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【作 者】黄继忠译
【页 数】 429
【出版社】 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司 , 2001.01
【价 格】14.50
【参考文献】 黄继忠译. 名人书信一百封. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2001.01.












1 Darius III to Alexander the Great

From the capital of the kings of the world:As long as thesun shines on the head of Iskander the robber,etc.,etc.,lethim know that the King of Heaven has bestowed on me thedominion of the earth,and that the Almighty has granted to methe surface of the four quarters.Providence has also eminentlydistinguished me with glory,exaltation,majesty,and with mul-titudes of devoted champions and confederates.

A report has reached us that you have gathered to yourselfnumbers of thieves and reprobates,the multitude of whom hasso elated your imagination that you propose through theirco-operation to :procure the crown and throne,lay waste ourkingdom,and destroy our land and people.

Such crude resolves are perfectly consistent with the infatu-ation of the men of Room.It now behooves you,on reading thecontents of this epistle,to return instantly from the place towhich you have advanced.As to this criminal movement whichhas proceeded from you,be under no alarm from our majestyand correction,as you are not yet ranked among the numberof those who merit our vengeance and punishment.Behold!I send you a coffer full of gold,and an assload of sesame,to giveyou by these two objects an idea of the extent of my wealthand powers.I also send you a scourge and a ball:the latter,that you may amuse yourself with a diversion suitable to yourage;the former,to serve for your chastisement.










2 Alexander the Great to Darius III(1)

From Zu-Ul-Kurnain,to him who pretends to be king ofkings;that the very hosts of Heaven stand in awe of him;andthat the inhabitants of the world are by him enlightened!Howthen can it be worthy of such a person to be afraid of a con-temptible foe like Iskander?

Does not Dara know that the High and Mighty Lord givespower and dominion to whomsoever He wills?And also,when-ever a feeble mortal regards himself as a God,and conquerorover the hosts of Heaven,beyond doubt the indignation of the

Almighty brings down ruin on his kingdom?

How can the person doomed to death and corruption be a

God,he from whom his kingdom is taken away and who leavesthe enjoyment of the world to others?

Lo!I have resolved to meet you in battle,and.thereforemarch towards your realms.I profess myself the weak andhumble servant of God,to whom I address my prayers andlook for victory and triumph,and whom I adore.

Along with the letter in which you make a display of yourgreat power you have sent me a scourge,a ball,a coffer filledwith gold,and an assload of sesame;all of which I refer to goodfortune and regard as auspicious signs.The scourge portends thatI shall be the instrument of your castigation and become yourruler,preceptor,and director.The ball indicates that the surface











of the earth and the circumference of the globe shall be undermy lieutenants.The coffer of gold,which is part of your treasure,denotes that your riches shall soon be transferred to me.Andas to the sesame,although the grains are many in number,itis however soft to the touch and of all kinds of food the leastnoxious and disagreeable.

In return I send you a kaffis of mustard seed,that you maytaste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory.And whereasthrough presumption you have exalted yourself,and have becomeproud.through the grandeur of your kingdom,and pretend tobe a Divinity on earth,and have even raised to the heavens thisstandard I truly am your supreme lord;and although by theenumeration of your numbers,preparations,and might youhave endeavored to alarm me;yet I confidently trust in theinterposition of Divine Providence,that it will please the Al-mighty to make thy boasting attended by the reproach of man-kind;and that in the same proportion as you have magnifiedyourself.He may bring on you humiliation and grant me victoryover you.My trust and reliance are in the Lord.And so farewell.



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