《中西医结合医学英语 第2版》郭云良,倪同上,扈国杰主编;刘天蔚,葛科立,李宏国等副主编|(epub+azw3+mobi+pdf)电子书下载

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图书名称:《中西医结合医学英语 第2版》

【作 者】郭云良,倪同上,扈国杰主编;刘天蔚,葛科立,李宏国等副主编
【页 数】 350
【出版社】 北京:科学技术文献出版社 , 2018.10
【价 格】98.00
【分 类】中西医结合-英语-研究生-教材
【参考文献】 郭云良,倪同上,扈国杰主编;刘天蔚,葛科立,李宏国等副主编. 中西医结合医学英语 第2版. 北京:科学技术文献出版社, 2018.10.



《中西医结合医学英语 第2版》内容提要:


《中西医结合医学英语 第2版》内容试读

Chapter 1 IBone

Section 1 Fracture and Osteoporosis

A fracture can be more than just a broken bone.It may be a warning sign of osteoporosisor porous bone,a medical condition that weakens bone by making it more porous and lessdense.Bone density is one of the factors that determine bone strength,so individuals with lowbone density have a higher risk for fracture and refracture.

Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle-so brittle that a fall or even mildstresses such as bending over or coughing can cause a fracture.Osteoporosis-related fracturesmost commonly occur in the hip,wrist or spine.Bone is living tissue that is constantly beingbroken down and replaced.Osteoporosis occurs when the creation of new bone doesn't keepup with the removal of old bone.It was reported that osteoporosis is a contributing factor inas many as 1.5 million fractures each year,including about 300 000 hip fractures,700 000vertebral(spine)fractures,250 000 wrist fractures and 300 000 fractures at other sites.

The risk of a serious fracture can double after a first fracture in certain high-risk groups.

Additionally,many patients,particularly those who suffer hip fractures,are at high risk forpremature death or loss of independence after the fracture.In fact,one out of four peoplewho have an osteoporotic hip fracture will need long-term nursing home care;half of thosewho experience osteoporotic hip fracture are unable to walk without assistance;those whoexperience the trauma of osteoporotic hip fracture have a 24%increased risk of dying withinone year following the fracture.So it is essential for identifying osteoporosis early andinitiating treatment.

Recent data indicates that osteoporosis should not just be concern for aging white women,but occurs in all racial groups.(1)Hispanic women may be among those at highest risk ofosteoporosis with 13%~16%.As many as 49%of Mexican-American women 50 years ofage or older have low bone density.(2)Although the rate of hip fracture is lower in Asian-American women,the rate of vertebral fractures is about equal between Asian-Americanand Caucasian women.(3)About 10%of African women over 50 years have osteoporosis.


An additional 30%have low bone density.About 80%~95%of all fractures experienced by

African-American women over age 64 are related to osteoporosis.

Hormone levels:Osteoporosis is more common in people who have too much or toolittle of certain hormones in their bodies.Examples include:(1)Sex hormones.Loweredsex hormone levels tend to weaken bone.The reduction of estrogen levels in women atmenopause is one of the strongest risk factors for developing osteoporosis.Men experiencea gradual reduction in testosterone levels as they age.Treatments for prostate cancer thatreduce testosterone levels in men and treatments for breast cancer that reduce estrogen levelsin women are likely to accelerate bone loss.(2)Thyroid problems.Too much thyroid hormonecan cause bone loss.This can occur if your thyroid is overactive or if you take too muchthyroid hormone medication to treat an underactive thyroid.(3)Other glands.Osteoporosis hasalso been associated with overactive parathyroid and adrenal glands.

Men should also be concerned about osteoporosis.Approximately 1/8 of men will havean osteoporotic fracture.Men with a history of hypogonadism,thyroid dysfunction,long-termsteroid therapy,high alcohol consumption or low physical activity are especially at risk.1/3 ofall hip fractures experienced by men are related to osteoporosis,and 1/3 of these men will diewithin the first year after the fracture.

A fracture in adulthood does not always mean an individual has osteoporosis.However,every adult who suffers a fracture should discuss the need for bone density testing witha physician.If one's bone density is low,he may need additional medical tests.Medicalconditions other than osteoporosis can cause low bone density.

Symptoms:There typically are no symptoms in the early stages of bone loss.But onceyour bones have been weakened by osteoporosis,you may have signs and symptoms thatinclude:back pain,caused by a fractured or collapsed vertebra;loss of height over time;astooped posture;a bone fracture that occurs much more easily than expected.

Complications:Bone fractures,particularly in the spine or hip,are the most seriouscomplication of osteoporosis.Hip fractures often are caused by a fall and can result indisability and even an increased risk of death within the first year after the injury.In somecases,spinal fractures can occur even if you haven't fallen.The bones that make up your spine(vertebrae)can weaken to the point that they may crumple,which can result in back pain,lostheight and a hunched forward posture.

Although there is no specific cure for osteoporosis,diet and lifestyle changes can reducethe risk of re-fracture.People should also discuss medical therapy with their physician.Evenindividuals without osteoporosis should follow these four simple guidelines:(1)Make sureget enough calcium and vitamin D in diet.The National Academy of Sciences recommends400~800 units of vitamin D and 1000~1500 mg of calcium per day.(2)Participate in activitiesthat will strengthen bone and muscle.Regular exercise is one of the best things to prevent

Chapter 1 Bone


one's osteoporosis.Weight-bearing exercises like walking,jogging and tennis and low-impactexercise classes are best for building and maintaining strong bones.(3)Because falls are themost common cause of fractures,some balance activities could reduce the risks.The benefitsof tai chi which can decrease falls among older individuals by 47%in particular have beendocumented.(4)Once a broken bone occurred,a bone density test and other steps to reducethe risk of a second fracture should be done.

Prevention:Good nutrition and regular exercise are essential for keeping your boneshealthy throughout your life.Protein is one of the building blocks of bone.And while mostpeople get plenty of protein in their diets,some do not.Vegetarians and vegans can get enoughprotein in the diet if they intentionally seek suitable sources,such as soy,nuts,legumes,anddairy and eggs if allowed.Older adults may also eat less protein for various reasons.Proteinsupplementation is an option.

Body weight:Being underweight increases the chance of bone loss and fractures.

Excess weight is now known to increase the risk of fractures in one's arm and wrist.As such,maintaining an appropriate body weight is good for bones just as it is for health in general.

Calcium:Men and women between the ages of 18 and 50 need 1000 milligrams ofcalcium a day.This daily amount increases to 1200 milligrams when women turn 50 and menturn 70 years old.Good sources of calcium include:low-fat dairy products,dark green leafyvegetables,canned salmon or sardines with bones,soy products,such as tofu,calcium-fortifiedcereals and orange juice.

If you find it difficult to get enough calcium from your diet,consider taking calciumsupplements.However,too much calcium has been linked to kidney stones.Although yetunclear,some experts suggest that too much calcium especially in supplements can increasethe risk of heart disease.The Institute of Medicine recommends that total calcium intake,fromsupplements and diet combined,should be no more than 2000 milligrams daily for peopleolder than 50 years old.

Vitamin D:Vitamin D improves your body's ability to absorb calcium and improvesbone health in other ways.People can get adequate amounts of vitamin D from sunlight,butthis may not be a good source if you live in a high latitude,if you're housebound,or if youregularly use sunscreen or avoid the sun entirely because of the risk of skin cancer.

Scientists don't yet know the optimal daily dose of vitamin D for each person.Agood starting point for adults is 600~800 international units (IU)a day,through food orsupplements.For people without other sources of vitamin D and especially with limited sunexposure,a supplement may be needed.Most multivitamin products contain 600~800 IU ofvitamin D.Up to 4000 IU of vitamin D a day is safe for most people.

Exercise:Exercise can help you build strong bones and slow bone loss.Exercise willbenefit your bones no matter when you start,but you'll gain the most benefits if you start


exercising regularly when you're young and continue to exercise throughout your life.

Combine strength training exercises with weight-bearing and balance exercises.Strengthtraining helps strengthen muscles and bones in your arms and upper spine,and weight-bearingexercises-such as walking,jogging,running,stair climbing,skipping rope,skiing andimpact-producing sports-affect mainly the bones in your legs,hips and lower spine.Balanceexercises such as tai chi can reduce your risk of falling especially as you get older.

Swimming,cycling and exercising on machines such as elliptical trainers can provide agood cardiovascular workout,but they're not as helpful for improving bone health.

Section 2 Nomenclature in TCM

Correctly naming a discipline can directly portray the object of study,clearly point outits essence,and presage its future development.Carefully naming an independent disciplinemay provide the breakthrough necessary to establish its independence.Given the importanceof nomenclature,the terminology being applied to the various branches of traditional Chinesemedicine (TCM)is disconcerting.Current usage of such terms as Chinese Medicine,Oriental

Medicine,Herb,Herbology or Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture are improper.The presentarticle aims to discuss these terms and definite their meaning more precisely.

1 Regarding Chinese Medicine

The traditional medicine of China is the classical medicine of China and is distinguishablefrom modern Chinese medicine.TCM is a medical science guided by traditional Chinesemedical theories,and includes natural product medication,acupuncture,moxibustion,massage,plaster,steam bath,etc.as modalities in the treatment and prevention of disease.

TCM is called Zhongyixue (phonetic transcription of Chinese character,the same below)in Chinese.The Chinese characters Zhongyixue and Zhonghua Yixue are both translatedliterally into the English words Chinese medicine.However,to refer to TCM as Chinesemedicine has two shortcomings.First,Chinese medicine fails to convey the rich traditionassociated with TCM;and second,this translation leads to confusion by not distinguishingbetween TCM and modern Chinese medicine.Examples of the confusion associated withthe global term Chinese medicine include the following.Currently,some books and journalspublished in English include Chinese medicine in their titles;however,they are concerned onlywith TCM.On the other hand,another journal entitled Chinese Medical Journal is concernedonly with modern Chinese medicine.Although Chinese medicine in the above titles suggests

Chapter 1 Bone

that they contain similar material,the material in fact is quite different.In addition,someinstitutions with the name Chinese medicine in fact are concerned only with TCM,not modern

Chinese medicine.Finally,an organization named Chinese Medical Association is a societyinvolved only with modern medicine in China.The subject material of Chinese medicineas used above differs so extensively that TCM and modern Chinese medicine must have adistinguished nomenclature.

Medicine in the broadest sense should include both modern medicine and traditionalmedicine.However,the term Medicine typically refers only to modern medicine.The wordtraditional is often used to distinguish traditional medicine from(modern)medicine.For thesereasons,Zhongyixue should be translated into English according to its precise definition,traditional Chinese medicine.This translation conveys both the traditional and the Chineseaspects of the discipline,and distinguishes it from modern Chinese medicine.

2Regarding Oriental Medicine

Another vague,ambiguous term is oriental medicine.Oriental medicine in Englishpublications is usually synonymous with traditional medicine of China,Japan,Korea,

Vietnam,etc..Actually,all of these disciplines are various branches of TCM which accordingto relevant literature originated in China.Moreover,in Japanese,traditional medicine is called

Hanfang,which can be translated into TCM.The term oriental medicine probably originatedto distinguish it from western occidental medicine which is usually associated with modernmedicine since it originated in the west.Although the oriental or occidental qualifier maybe convenient in dialogue to emphasize the origin of particular aspects of medicine,suchuse is detrimental because of its ambiguity.The use of the oriental qualifier has at least twoshortcomings:(1)it fails to express its original meaning of traditional medicine in China,and

(2)it is also fails to recognize the existence of modern medicine in the east.The use of theoccidental qualifier bears the same kind of shortcomings.It does not convey the differencebetween occidental traditional medicine and modern medicine.If medicine was referred to asoccidental medicine as currently is done with oriental medicine,differentiation of modern andclassical Western medicine such as Hippocratic medicine in 6 BC~4 BC or American Indianfolk medicine would be compromised.Though the classical medicine in the west has graduallywithered away,it existed in history and needs to be distinguished just as traditional Chinesemedicine needs to be distinguished from modern Chinese medicine.

Difference in the nature of medicine in the west and the east has been dissolving for a longtime.Currently only differences in tradition and degree of development distinguish the two.

With time,the disparity in development between western and eastern medicine will becomesmaller and smaller,leaving only tradition as a distinction.Since the essence of oriental


medicine is traditional Chinese medicine,its true colors of TCM should be restored.

To name disciplines of medicine by using the oriental or the occidental qualifier can notdirectly portray the object of study,clearly point out its essence,or presage its future prospectsof growth.Neither differentiates traditional medicine and modern medicine in either the westor the east.If the word oriental is necessary to precede traditional medicine in the east,it canonly be named traditional oriental medicine to differentiate (modern)medicine in the east.

This reason is the same as that the naming of TCM is differentiated with(modern)medicine in


3Regarding Herb,Herbology or Herbal Medicine

Traditional Chinese materia medica(TCMM)is a branch of TCM,which studies thetheory and application of medication based on theories of TCM.TCMM differs extensivelyfrom herbal medicine.The relationship between the two is somewhat akin to the differencebetween folk medicine and natural product pharmacy in the US.It is improper to use TCMMsynonymous with the terms herbology or herbal medicine.In China,TCMM is an officiallyrecognized branch of TCM with standardized medication procedures documented in the statepharmacopoeia or equivalent books.Herbal medicine,however,is folk medicine,and is notofficially recognized in the state pharmacopoeia.The two procedures are much different withTCMM having a systematic theory as guidance for its practice while the latter is employedentirely without theory.In TCMM medicines are derived mainly from plants,but animalsand minerals provide additional sources.The materials are prepared and refined using wellestablished procedures.The English phrase herbal medicine generally refers to folk medicine,and in most cases the crude herb or crude extract is used.Animal products and minerals aregenerally not included in definitions of herbal medicine.

For the above reasons,to translate Chinese word Zhongyao-TCMM into herb,herbologyor herbal medicine is improper on either the basis of the definition of TCMM or the Englishmeaning of the world herb.

4 Regarding Acupuncture

The science of acupuncture and moxibustion is a branch of TCM which prevents and treatsdiseases by puncturing specific points on the body with needles,or the burning or warmingof the points by applying heat via ignited moxa wool or roll.These procedures are importantexternal therapies of TCM.The term acupuncture is derived from the Latin words acus whichmeans surgical needle,and puncture,which means to puncture.Moxibustion can be definedas the burning,warming,fumigating,or placing hot compression on certain points for the


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