《外贸英语函电 应用·技能·实战·写作》李贺,夏立娟,李纲主编|(epub+azw3+mobi+pdf)电子书下载

时间: 2022-10-08 10:29:12  22 主编 主编 上海财经大学出版社

图书名称:《外贸英语函电 应用·技能·实战·写作》

【作 者】李贺,夏立娟,李纲主编
【页 数】 186
【出版社】 上海财经大学出版社 , 2019.07
【价 格】42.00
【分 类】对外贸易-英语-电报信函-写作-高等学校-教材
【参考文献】 李贺,夏立娟,李纲主编. 外贸英语函电 应用·技能·实战·写作. 上海财经大学出版社, 2019.07.



《外贸英语函电 应用·技能·实战·写作》内容提要:


《外贸英语函电 应用·技能·实战·写作》内容试读

Chapter One

Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing



Section One Introduction of Business Letter Writing

In today's highly developed and toughly competitive society,communications betweenindividuals and groups are becoming increasingly frequent and important.It serves to pass oninformation,to express ideas or to exchange feelings.

Generally speaking,the function of a business letter is to get or to convey business in-formation,to make or to accept an offer,to deal with various businesses.

The business letter is the principal means used by a business firm to keep in touch withits customers;customers form their impression on firms from the tone and quality of the let-ters that sends out.Good quality paper and an attractive letterhead play their parts in this,but they are less important than the messages they carry.

When we write a letter we enter into personal relationship with our readers.Like us hehas feelings and we cannot afford to disregard him.This is a necessary reminder becausemany people who are warm and friendly by nature become reasons of quite another sort whenthey sit down to write or dictate a business letter.They seem to think that business letterscall for a special kind of"business English".They forget that they are"holding a conversa-tion by post"and make us of impersonal constructions that produce a cold and aloof tone.

They prefer to write,.“Your letter has been received'”or“We are in receipt of your letter'”rather than“We have received your letter'”,and“Your complaint is being looked into”ratherthan "We are looking into your complaint "Then how to write effective business letter?

All business letters have two main functions.One is asking for and giving a reply to anenquiry,offer,order or complaint.The other one is to keep a record of all the importantfacts for ready reference.An effective business letter will say what the writer wants to sayclearly and simply.It should be precise,straightforward,relevant and action-centered.Itshould also be written in a friendly,formal style using plain language.Thus,in order tocommunicate effectively,you should ensure that the letters portray you as approachable,ca-ring,effective and professional.In addition,you should be very familiar with the establishedlayout and practice of business letters.There are three styles of business communication:the full blocked style,the indented style and the semi-blocked style.The fully-blocked style


with open punctuation is the most popular method of display for business letters,because itis considered to be businesslike,simple and professional.

The whole secret of good business letter writing is to write simply,in an easy and natu-ral way-like one friendly man is talking to another,to make your letters then,sound asmuch as possible like good conversation.You wouldn't say on the phone "It is regretted thatthe goods cannot be delivered today".You would say "I am sorry we cannot deliver thegoods today",so why not say it when you write a letter?In order to write a good and effec-tive business letter we have to remember some important writing skills.

Requirements to Writers

If a business letter wants to achieve its purpose,writers should have:

(1)a good command of standard English;

(2)knowledge of business theories and practice;

(3)knowledge of technical terms;

(4)knowledge of psychology;

(5)skills in salesmanship.

The business letter can tell readers a lot about the writer and the writer's company.Abusiness letter that is neat,easy to read,and presents a professional image will leave a goodimpression on the reader.Such a letter helps the writer and will probably mean an earlier re-ply.In today's global market,the reader's first impression often comes from the appear-ance of the documents and the quality of the paper.So you should pay more attention to thepaper quality,the paper color,the paper size and margins.Firstly,never use paper that istoo flimsy.Secondly,white is the standard color for business purposes,although light col-ors such as gray and ivory are sometimes used.Thirdly,the size of papers varies slightlyfrom country to country.In the United States,the standard paper size for business docu-ments is 8.5 by 11 inches.The last but not least,the document is to be centered in thepage,leaving at least one-inch margins all around.We can use word-processing software toachieve the balance by defining the format.

This chapter is intended to develop skills in writing good business letters.It containsguidelines on developing personal writing style,using appropriate tone and composing effec-tive communications in modern business language.

Section Two Layout of a Business Letter

There are several acceptable styles for business letter writing.The most popular formsare full-block style,indented style,modified block style and.semi-block style with indentedparagraphs.

1.Full-block Style

Every line in the full-block style begins at the left margin,and the open style of punctu-ation has been adopted.

Chapter One Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing 003

(Letter head)

(Reference Number)


(Inside Address)


(Subject Line)



For example:



11 Beijing Road,Guangzhou

People's Republic of China

Tel:3456182 Telex:8371 Guelco Cable:2284

Ref.GEC 9667


Ocean Electronics Products Im port Corp.130 Clifford StreetLONDON W 1,England

Dear Sirs,

Re.Chinese Electronics Products


We have obtained your name and address from the London Chamber of Commerce,who hastold us that you wish to im port electric goods manufactured in China.

We manufacture electric appliance of the kind illustrated in enclosed catalogue,which wehope will be of interest to you.Also enclosed for your reference,is our latest price list.

Should you be interested in any of our product,please let us know and we will provide youwith a quotation.In the meantime,should you require any further information about eitherour products or our corporation,please do not hesitate to let us know.

We look forward to hearing from you soon,and to the possibility of doing business with youin the future.

Yours faithfully,(Signature)

Liu Sheng-feng

Sales Manager

2.Indented Style

The main feature of this style is that each line of the "Inside Name and Address"shouldbe indented 2~3 spaces,and the first line of each paragraph should be indented 3~8 spaces,



(Reference Number)


(Inside Address)




For example:

Beijing Textiles Import &Export Corporation

Chapter One Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing 005

43 Tian An Men Street

Tel:010-6683812 Telex:3358711 Cable:8898

January 30,2019

Our ref.No…

Your ref.No...

The Pakistan Trading Company,

15,Broad Street,



We learn from a friend in San Francisco that you are exporting Nylon Bed-sheets and

Pillow Cases.There is a steady demand here for the above-mentioned commodities of highquality at moderate prices.

Will you please send us a copy of your catalog,with details of your prices and termsof payment.We should find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of thesegoods.

Yours very truly,




Zhang Daihua

General Manager

3.Modified Block Style

In this style,.paragraphs are not indented.The“Date”“Complementary Close”and"Signature"are aligned slightly past the center of the page.

For example:



December 18,2019

Mr.Joe Claiborne


Office Manager

Swallows Insurance Company5983 Maplewood Cove

Memphis,TN 38117

Dear Mr.Claiborne,

Thank you for your interest in our products.In reply to your request,we enclose our illus-trated catalogue and a pricelist showing details of our products.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,



Binford H.Peeples

Sales Manager

When you decide to adopt this style,I would recommend that the date and closing linebegin at the centre point of the page.They can also be backspace from the right margin,butsome people find this method rather time consuming.

As you may have noticed by now,there is no precise answer as to the best letter style;it is purely a case of personal preference.Each organization chooses its own style,and itsemployees should follow it.

4.Semi-block Style with Indented Paragraphs

This style is similar to the modified block style with one exception:the first sentence ofeach paragraph is indented 3~6 spaces.

For example:



11 Beijing Road Guangzhou PR China

Tel:3451672 Telex:8793 Guelco Cable:1414


Your ref:TBL/xm

Our ref:GEC 9556


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