
时间: 2022-10-08 09:06:21  21


【作 者】孙金琳,张芳主编
【页 数】 234
【出版社】 合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社 , 2020.08
【参考文献】 孙金琳,张芳主编. 外贸函电. 合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社, 2020.08.






Module 1

Basic Knowledge of

Business English Letters Writing商务英语函电写作基本知识

Unit 1 Introdution to Business English

Letters Writing商务英语函电写作人门


Try to finish the following tasks and find out the learning objectives of this unit.

Task 1


Task 2








Part I Introduction


PartⅡLetter Writing Guide

This unit mainly introduces the basic knowledge of writing English correspondencefor international trade,namely,principle,layout,format of business letters andstructure of Emails.

The principle involves 5Cs that must be observed in writing effective business letterstargeted at handling the business in question.

The layout section demonstrates to learners what constitutes a business letter andhow these constituents are arranged to form an effective business letter.

The format section briefly introduces the format styles commonly adopted in writingbusiness letter,namely,the indented style,full-block style and modified block style.

The email section deals with the composition of business emails,giving some tips onthe details of each part of an email.

Basic Knowledge of Business English Letters Writing

Part I Basic Knowledge of Business English Letters

1.Principles of Business English Letters Writing

A well-structured business letter is the core of effective communication.To someextent,a good business letter is a good advertising of a company and can deliver thefavorable image of company to the customers.Generally speaking,a business letter oftenfollows the 5C Principles.


Correctness is considered to be the most important principle.

Business letters must be correct,otherwise they may be misunderstood or lead togreat loss to both exporters and importers.Usually business letters involve the rights,theduties and the interests of both sides.

Therefore,business letters must have factual information,accurate figures and exactterms with correct grammars,spellings and punctuation.Pay more attention to names ofarticles,specifications,quantities,prices and units.


Completeness means that business letters should contain all the necessaryinformation.When writing a letter,all the matters should be discussed in a replyingletter,and all the questions should be answered.Only a complete letter can workefficiently.Check your letters before sending them.


Conciseness means complete information by using brief expressions.A good andeffective business letter should be clear,concise and without any repetition.To achievethis,try to avoid using stale and roundabout phrases.The elimination of wordy businessjargon can also help to make a letter clearer and at the same time more concise.

Furthermore,organize each paragraph carefully and make sure a point to eachparagraph.


A good business letter should avoid being misunderstood.An ambiguous letter willnot only cause trouble but also waste time of both sides.Make all the necessary pointsclear,full,and in a logical sequence.Good,straightforward and simple English is


preferable in business letter writing.

Keep the purpose of this letter in mind,use proper words and phrases in correctsentence structure,and then you can write a clear letter.


Courtesy means showing consideration for your correspondent and respect for yourreaders'feelings.You need to prepare every message with the readers in mind and try toput yourself in their shoes.It allows a refusal to business without killing hopes of futurebusiness.There are some tips for being courtesy:reply promptly to your customer;understand and respect the recipient's point of view;be tactful and try not to causeoffence if you feel some comments are unfair.

2.Basic Parts of Business English Letters

A business letter usually consists of the following 13 parts.

An ordinary business letter consists of 7 essential parts:


(2)Reference and Date

(3)Inside Name and Address


(5)Body of the Letter

(6)Complimentary Close


Besides,there are 6 optional parts:

(8)Attention Line

(9)Subject Line

(10)Reference Notation(11)Enclosure Notation(12)Carbon Copy Notation(13)Postscript


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