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【作 者】胡启洲,曲思源
【出版社】 西南交通大学出版社 , 2019.07
【价 格】35.00
【参考文献】 胡启洲,曲思源. 高铁问答. 西南交通大学出版社, 2019.07.





Chapter 1 Introduction

"When the high-speed rail trains run,happiness comes;when thehigh-speed rail trains carry more passengers,lots of money arrives."Itundoubtedly expresses the attitude of people,railway companies,andgovernments towards the High-Speed Rail (HSR).

Because of its high-speed,convenience,safety,and punctuality,HSR ishighly preferred by people and governments in the world,and it is also animportant part of current transportation research.However,there is no uniformdefinition of the term "high-speed rail",so different organizations or countrieshave different standards for "high-speed rail".But in recent years,thestandards of various countries have approached a lot,basically adopting thedefinition of the International Union of Railways (UIC,the abbreviation of

Union International des Chemins de fer).According to the definition of the

International Union of Railways,HSR refers to a rail that has a design speed of200 km/h by transforming the traditional line,or a new line that is built with adesign speed of more than 250 km/h.

1.What is the difference between the narrow HSR and the abroad HSR?HSR is a system that contains the narrow HSR and the abroad HSR.Asfollows:

(1)The narrow HSR:The HSR on the narrow sense refers to thetraditional Wheel High-Speed Rail (WHSR)transportation system,which isthe most common understanding,also known as the conventional HSR.

(2)The abroad HSR:The HSR on the general sense refers to thetraditional Wheel High-Speed Rail (WHSR)transportation system,the

Magnetic High-Speed Rail (MHSR)transportation system using the magneticlevitation technology,and the Super-Speed Rail (SSR)transportation system


Questions and Answers of High-Speed Rail

and so on.

2.How to distinguish the Wheel High-Speed Rail (WHSR),the Magnetic

High-Speed Rail (MHSR)and the Super-Speed Rail (SSR)?

(1)The WHSR:Also called conventional HSR or traditional HSR.It is anHSR system runs at a high speed on the track based on the principle of wheeland track.

(2)The MHSR:Also called Magnetic High-Speed Rail,it is an HSRsystem that uses the magnetic levitation technology to run at a high speedabove the track.

(3)The SSR:The Super-Speed Rail is located in a pipeline that is isolatedfrom the outside air and operates at a supersonic speed (the sonic speed isapproximate to 1,200 km/h),using a floating chamber in the low-pressure tube.

After the pipeline is pumped to a vacuum,the vehicle is almost free of friction.

This book mainly introduces the basic knowledge,concept terminologyand development history of high-speed rail from three aspects of"the WHSR,the MHSR and the SSR"through the form of"Q&A".The book illustrates thehot issues and confusions that people pay attention to during the developmentof HSR in the world.

Chapter 2 The Wheel High-Speed Rail (WHSR)

As a safe,reliable,fast and comfortable,large-capacity,low-carbon andenvironmentally-friendly transportation mode,the WHSR has become themainstream of the world transportation industry,and is committed to leadingthe human to a new era.According to the statistics of the International Unionof Railway,till the end of December 31,2017,the total operating mileage ofHSR in all countries and regions of the world was 40,000 km,including 25,000km of it in China.

2.1 The development process of WHSR

On October 1,1964,the world's first truly HSR,the Tokaido Shinkansen(Tokyo-Osaka),was officially operated in Japan,marking the arrival of a newera of HSR in the world.After decades of development,the WHSR hasexperienced a change in the development process from appearing,developingto being globally shared today.

2.1.1 What is the WHSR?

The world's first official HSR system was the Japan's Shinkansen,whichwas operated in 1964.It belongs to the WHSR and has a design speed of 200km/h.Later,with the technology advancing,the speed of the WHSR becamefaster and faster.For example,China is rapidly constructing high-speedpassenger lines and intercity passenger lines on a large scale,and themaximum operating speed of them is 350 km/h.


Questions and Answers of High-Speed Rail

WHSR refers to a HSR system that has a design speed of 200 km/h bytransforming the original line (gauge standardization),or a new line with adesign speed of more than 250 km/h,as shown in Figure 2.1.In addition to the

certain speed standards for the operation of the HSR trains,vehicles,rails and

operation all need to be upgraded.

Figure 2.1 The WHSR

2.1.2 When did the world's first WHSR appear?

(1)Germany first researched and developed the WHSR.Germany is thefirst country to test the HSR trains in the world and it can date back to 1899.

At that time,the Prussian National Railway combined with 10 electric andengineering companies to conduct HSR train tests on the 72 km long rail from

Marinfeld to Zossen.The train uses 10 kV,45 Hz three-phase AC power as thepower source.Test results show that it is feasible to use electric traction forHSR trains.German HSR is as shown in Figure 2.2.


Chapter 2 The Wheel High-Speed Rail(WHSR)

Figure 2.2 German HSR

(2)Japan first constructed the WHSR in the world.At first,in order tosatisfy the requirements of military transportation,Japanese governmentplaned to establish a rail line for passengers and cargoes with internationalstandard gauges from Tokyo to Shimonoseki,which was called "Shinkansen".

The train was driven by the steam and electric locomotives,and its speed couldreach 200 km/h.At 5:59 am on October 1,1964,on the eve of the Tokyo

Olympics,the Tokaido Shinkansen operated the first "Optical"HSR train,which was from Tokyo to Osaka with a total length of 515 km and a generaloperating speed of 210 km/h.The maximum speed of it was 270 km/h,and thetravel time from Tokyo to Osaka was reduced from 6.5 hours to 4 hours.See

Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 Japan's Shinkansen


Questions and Answers of High-Speed Rail

2.1.3 Which is the first HSR in China?

At the end of December 2017,the operation and construction scale of

China's HSR was ranking first in the world,and China became the onlycountry to form a "four vertical lines and four horizontal lines"HSR network.

By December 2020,China's HSR will reach a mileage of more than 30,000 km,forming an "eight vertical lines and eight horizontal lines"HSR network.

China's HSR sticks to the way of independent innovation,integrationinnovation and the combination of absorption innovation and re-innovation toestablish a world-class HSR technology system with independent intellectualproperty rights.So which line is the first WHSR in China?

(1)The Beijing-Tianjin intercity HSR is officially recognized as the firstHSR in China.The Beijing-Tianjin HSR connects Beijing and Tianjin with thetotal distance of 120 km.It is the first HSR in China adopting the advanced noballast track technology for laying track,and realizing the seamless connectionby using the world's most advanced welding technique for the long rail.See

Table 2.1 and Figure 2.4.

Table 2.1 The Beijing-Tianjin HSR line

Construction time

June 2005

Operating time

August 1,2008

Stations along the rail line

Beijing South Station,Yizhuang Station,Yongle

Station (reserved),Wuqing Station,Tianjin Station

Figure 2.4 The Beijing-Tianjin HSR train(CRH)



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