
时间: 2022-08-21 11:23:50  8 epub


【作 者】(尼)吉姆·汉金森著;汪小玲译
【页 数】 173
【出版社】 上海:上海世界图书出版公司 , 1999.03
【价 格】8.00
【分 类】哲学(学科: 对照读物 学科: 英、中)
【参考文献】 (尼)吉姆·汉金森著;汪小玲译. 哲学. 上海:上海世界图书出版公司, 1999.03.







Lives of the Philosophers



Deaths of the Philosophers.......................62哲人之死

The Basic Questions of Philosophy ...............68哲学的基本问题

The Contemporary Scene……108当代背景介绍

Some Useful Techniques...........................136重要技巧简述

Gl0 ssary……152生词表


What Philosophy Is

This is something you should always contrive toavoid explaining.But you might like to get twothings straight at the start.

Firstly,philosophy isn't a subject-it's an activi-ty.Consequently one doesn't study it:one does it.

This is how philosophers,at least those in the An-glo-Saxon tradition (which for some obscure his-torical reason seems to include the Finns),tend toput it.And secondly,philosophy is largely a mat-ter of conceptual analysis-or thinking about think-ing.For the moment,let's stick to basics.

This is something most philosophers find tem-peramentally impossible,but there's no reasonwhy you should follow their example.Philosophyseems,to the casual visitor taking a swift lookround it,bewilderingly complex.Not least amongits difficulties is the fact that philosophers,with afew honourable exceptions,find it quite impossibleto speak a language comprehensible to the ordinaryperson,such as English.A philosopher wantingeven to refer to the Ordinary Person (a specieswith which he is unlikely to have had first-hand ac-




Philosophy is a subject (sorry,an activity)with ahistory:and because it makes so little progress,ifindeed it makes any at all,its history is conse-quently more important than that of other fields.

The successful bluffer must be armed with a work-ing knowledge of this history if he or she is tomake a real success of charlatanry.

For the purposes of this book,we will confineourselves almost exclusively to Western philoso-phy,that tradition begun in Greece in the 7th cen-tury.B.C.There is a good reason for this.Phi-losophy in the Western tradition is a very differenttype of project from that of the Orient.In a latersection we will give some advice on how to be suit-ably dismissive about such matters as Meditation,

Buddhism,Indian Religion,People with Shaven

Heads in Grubby Yellow Robes,and similar socialmenaces.

Accordingly,this section contains some more orless interesting facts about some more or less fa-mous philosophers,of both a biographical and aphilosophical nature in roughly chronological or



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