
时间: 2022-06-15 09:00:17  18 注册会计师 注册会计师 注册会计师协会





2022 年 6 月 10 日









第3条 这种方法继续教育是指注册会计师为保持和提高其职业素质、执业能力和职业道德水平而开展的学习及相关活动。

第 4 条 CPA 作为保持和提高专业能力的责任主体,享有继续教育的权利,履行继续教育的义务。事务所应当保障事务所注册会计师参加继续教育的权利。我省注册会计师有义务按照本办法的要求完成继续教育,任何个人和机构不得以任何理由拒绝、限制或者剥夺阻止注册会计师参加继续教育的权利。

在公司担任助理的从业者可以参加 CPA 继续教育学习。






第7条 CPA继续教育统一管理,分级实施。









第九条 公司负责注册会计师继续教育的组织和管理,并提供必要的学习条件和经费保障。具体来说:







第10条 CPA应该收到继续教育。


第十一条 值得信赖的培训机构举办培训班的,应当按照省针灸学会要求和本实施办法的规定,合理设计培训内容,选择科学适用的培训方式,聘请有能力的教师,并将培训班的实施情况报告给省针灸学会。训练结果。


第 12 条 是符合以下条件的,可在每个考核年度的5月20日前,向省针灸学会书面申请内训资格:






第 13 条鼓励公司在同一地区共同申请内部培训资格,但主申请人事务所应满足注册会计师人数以外的其他条件。联合申请的事务所不超过5个,每个事务所的注册会计师总数不超过50人。

第十四条 内部书面申请培训资格材料(纸质和电子版)应包括:






第 16 条通过审查和批准具有内部培训资质的企业,实施培训时,应提前7天书面向省中注协书面报告培训时间、地点、内容和参加人员,并在监督指导下开展培训省中注协委员。培训的组织、实施、检查和考核,确保培训有效。

第 17 条 有内部培训资质应通过行业管理信息系统动态上报培训相关资料和数据,包括:企业继续教育措施、年度继续教育计划、具体实施情况、年度培训总结等。






(4) 师资力量;









第23条公司内部培训应在当年 11 月 20 日前完成。如逾期,其内部培训资格申请将暂停一年。

第 24 条 在任何以下情况,省针灸学会不确认内训时间:

(1) 当年被取消内训资格的公司进行的内训;

(二)未按照本办法要求提前申报、接受内部培训进行有效验证的;< /p>p>

(3) 总公司具有内训资质,分公司未获内训资质批准的,以分公司的名义进行培训;














第31条 其他认可的形式产出法是与实践相关的专业活动和成果。




(3) 参加行业实务质检可换算成每天4学分,最多可确认24学分每年的小时数;


(4) 担任CPA考试命题评分专家,行业高端人才选拔命题专家和考官考试,每半天可换算4学时,每年最多可确认24学时;

(5) 参与行业发展研究相关工作,每题可折算4学分,最多12学分每年可以确认学分;



(8) 参与中注协团体标准的研究和起草,相关标准已通过技术审查并发布,每项均可换算成8个每年最多可以确认24个学分;

(9) 发表相关专业作品并进行相关课题研究,每篇可折算12学时,及每年最多可确认24个学分;在核心期刊发表的专业论文,每篇论文可转换为8学分,每年最多可确认24学分,在非核心期刊发表的专业论文的确认学分减半;

(10) 参加会计、审计相关专业在职学历教育并取得学位者可确认一年中的 24 个学分;参加其他专业在职学历教育并获得学位,确认学分减半;

(11) 已取得高级专业技术资格证书,或取得海外专业资格,可确认16学分当前年份;


(12) 担任高校校外导师,承担会计、审计相关教学任务,24人可在任期内每年确认;



第32条 CPA继续教育是每年一个考核周期,从当年的1月1日到12月31日。注册会计师每年至少应接受40小时的继续教育,其中职业道德培训不少于4小时。本年度的继续教育学时仅在本年度有效。


第 33 条 如果其中之一有下列情形的,可向省针灸学会提出书面申请,经批准后,不得参加当年的继续教育培训。


(2) 产假;


(4) 7月1日以后新注册的;











Article 38 If the certified public accountant has one of the following behaviors, the corresponding continuing education hours will be cancelled, and the industry will be notified of criticism:

(1) Providing false certification materials to defraud continuing education hours;

(2) Participating in continuing education and training on behalf of others;

(3) Serious violation of continuing education and training discipline and management system.

Article 39 For the certified public accountants who have not completed the required hours of continuing education in the current year and do not meet the conditions stipulated in Article 33 of these measures, the Provincial Institute of Certified Public Accountants will make an announcement and follow the relevant regulations of the "Measures for the Qualification Inspection of Certified Public Accountants" of the China Institute of Certified Public Accountants. deal with.

Article 40 established Improve the internal training performance evaluation index system of the firm (Appendix 3), scientifically set up evaluation and assessment indicators, make the curriculum setting and teaching staff fit with the actual business development of the firm, and realize the matching of curriculum setting and teaching staff with actual needs. Improve the level and level of internal training, and use performance appraisal to promote the internal training of our province to be more distinctive, more targeted and more timely, so as to meet the growing demand for new business formats and new knowledge of certified public accountants.

Article 41 The annual performance evaluation results of firms with internal training qualifications should not be lower than "good". If the annual evaluation result is "poor", the internal training qualification of the firm will be cancelled and the application will not be reapplied within three years; if the annual evaluation result is "moderate" for two consecutive years, the application for the internal training qualification will be suspended for one year.


Chapter 5 Continuing Education Teacher Management


Article 42 The Provincial CPA Association established the "Anhui Provincial CPA Continuing Education Teacher Database". The main sources of teachers are: CICPA, Provincial Institute of Certified Public Accountants, experts and certified public accountants with theoretical, teaching and practical experience in accounting firms, teachers from relevant colleges and universities, relevant professional management departments, social specialized education and training institutions and administrative management Department of professionals and teachers, etc.

Article 43 The Provincial Acupuncture Association encourages experts in the industry to join the "Anhui Provincial Certified Public Accountant Continuing Education Teachers Bank" through institutional recommendation or individual self-recommendation. The study of various high-end trainings organized by the Association. The firm where the teachers who undertake the teaching tasks in that year belong to enjoy the rights of bonus points and other rewards in the comprehensive evaluation of the current year.

Article 44 Establish a mechanism of survival of the fittest for CPA continuing education teachers, and implement dynamic management.


Chapter VI Fund Management of Continuing Education


Article 45 Continuing education funds come from the Provincial Note Association fees, which are used for talent construction in the CPA industry in our province, CPA continuing education and teacher training.

Article 46 The Provincial Acupuncture Association provides appropriate subsidies for the continuing education and training organized by the association.

(1) All kinds of high-end trainings organized by the CICPA and selected by the CICPA, the transportation expenses are at your own expense, room and board and training related expenses shall be borne by the Provincial Acupuncture Association;

(2) In the centralized face-to-face training organized by the Provincial Acupuncture Association, in addition to the accommodation and transportation expenses, according to different training levels, A certain subsidy will be given to the food standard of the training undertaking unit, and the insufficient part will be borne by the trainees.

1. The cost of meals and training related to the special training course for responsible persons (or shareholders, partners) of accounting firms shall be paid by the province. undertake;

2. CPA training class, according to the actual number of participants, the subsidy standard is 60 yuan/day per person; assistant personnel training class , according to the actual number of participants, the subsidy standard is 50 yuan / day, per person; other training-related expenses shall be borne by the Provincial Acupuncture Association.

Article 47 The transportation, food and lodging expenses of the teachers who serve as teaching tasks shall be borne by the Provincial Acupuncture Association. The teacher's remuneration is based on the training courses, positions, professional titles, social influence, and the role played in the training, and shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Administrative Measures for Training Funds for Organs directly under the Anhui Province".


Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions


Article 48 The Anhui Institute of Certified Public Accountants is responsible for the interpretation of these measures, and will be implemented from the date of promulgation. The "Administrative Measures for Continuing Education of Certified Public Accountants of Anhui Province" issued on March 10, 2020 (Wan Zhu Association [2020] No. 16) and the "Anhui Province Accounting Affairs Office" reviewed and approved by the Secretary General Office of the Provincial CPA Association on July 2, 2020 The Internal Training Management Operating Regulations of the Institute shall be abolished at the same time.

Attach Table 1 Application Form for Continuing Education for Chinese Certified Public Accountants.doc

Attach Table 2 CPA training hours certification form.doc

Attach表3 安徽省会计师事务所继续教育(内部培训)绩效评价指标.doc










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