
时间: 2022-05-28 09:00:16  9 会计师事务所 会计师事务所 安徽省



第七届二十五执行董事协会第一次会议 会议审议通过了《安徽省会计师事务所综合评价暂行办法》,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。


2. 《安徽省会计师事务所综合评价暂行办法》修订说明




2022 年 5 月 27 日

CC: 中国注册会计师协会













第四条 本办法适用于经安徽省财政厅批准设立的公司,包括在我省设立的公司来自其他省份的公司。分支。有下列情形之一者不参加综合评价:


(2) 最近两年内,可能受到停业或其他处罚;




(6) 上年报告的综合评价信息严重不准确。




(3) 办理合伙人(股东)退出(退股)、投资人转让手续。




第七条对公司的综合评价主要包括营业收入、人力资源、党群建设、内部治理、加分, 处理和处罚等六个方面反映了事务所的发展,共设定了20个指标,包括:

(1) 营业收入。包括业务收入规模、业务收入正增长指数、注资教师人均业务收入三个具体指标。上述指标中的营业收入是指公司上一年度经审计的营业收入,每年上报省中注协。

(2) 人力资源。包括师资规模、就业促进、人才队伍建设、行业高端人才培养四个具体指标。从业人数仅计算截至上一年12月31日年龄在60周岁以内的从业人数。


(4) 内部治理。包括合伙人(股东)年龄结构、综合管理、信息公示、发表行业相关研究文章、积累职业风险基金(购买职业责任保险)、应用信函集中化、数字化等6个具体指标。

(5) 加分。指上一年度对企业、党组组织或注释者的表彰奖励加分。

(6) 处理惩罚。指近两年事务所及其注释人执业中除暂停执业外的行政处罚和行业处罚。

第8条 事务所综合评价排名按第7条规定打分,总分105分,其中100分基本分和100分。加分5分,计分方式如下:



2.营业收入400万元以上1000万元以下(含)为二级,满分21分,计算公式:16分+【(营业收入-400万元)/(1000万元-400万元)元)] × 5 分;

3.营业收入1000万元以上3000万元以下(含)为三年级,满分24分,计算公式:21分+[(营业收入-1000万元)/(3000万元-1000万元) )]×3点;


(2) 营业收入增长指标得分为正,满分2分:公司自身的营业收入增长率为上一年是阳性的,2分。







2. 60岁以下6岁以上18岁以下(含)教师人数为第二名,满分6.5分。计算公式为:5分+[(60岁以下教师人数-6人)/(18人-6人)]×1.5分;

3. 18岁以上30岁以下(含)的60岁以下教师人数第三名,满分7.5分。计算公式为:6.5分+[(60岁以下教师人数-18人)/(30人-18人)]×1分。


(5) 就业促进指标得分,满分2分:全社会参保人数与上年末事务所相同 口径不变或提高的,加1分(与事务所统一运营的其他执业机构的员工也计算在内);教师指导行业国家和省级青年创业就业见习基地加分1分。

(6) 人才队伍建设指数得分,满分6分:12月31日之前属于公司的所有注释者上一年度完成规定的继续教育学时将获得 2 分;上一年度通过注册会计师考试的员工人数,获得国家承认的硕士和博士学位的教师人数(按现有积分),上一年度参加的教师人数历届省针灸协会面授班参加人数、参加过中注协、省财政厅金融监察局、省针灸协会组织的行业执业质量检查的批注员人数年(违反检查纪律被调换的除外),每人得1分。

(7) 行业高端人才培养指标得分,满分3分:注释者被评为高级会员行业、国家和省级行业领军人才情况,以及正在培养但尚未完成的行业高端人才情况(按现有分值,当同一教师具有多重身份时) ,只计一分),每人得一分。


(9) 党建进入指数得分,满分2.5分:建立党组织,配备党员,加强公司章程、合伙协议或分支机构管理办法等内容,完成工商变更登记加分1.5分。按要求细化党组织参与决策、管理和监督的制度安排(建立党组织与管理层沟通、协商、共同学习的机制,及时通报党建和业务发展情况)支部书记参加或列席管理层相关会议,党支部开展的相关活动邀请非党员参加相关活动,使党组织有效参与重大决策——企业建设,发挥党组织政治把关人作用,为企业发展赋能)0.5分;继续推进党组织班子成员和管理管理“双向进入、交叉服务”0.5分。

(10) 参政得分每人2分;市、县人大代表、党代表、政协委员每人1分(同一人担任多个职务的,以最高分计算)。

(11) 担任行业职位的指数得分,满分:注释者担任执行董事,会员监事会成员或专门委员会成员各得1分;担任省针灸学会常务理事、监事会成员、专门委员会委员、省行业党委委员,每人加分0.5分(同一注释者兼任多个职位的,将使用最高分。计算)。

(12) 开展或参与公益活动得分,满分4分:企业开展或参与上一年度社会公益活动活动次数(包括在安徽高校设立奖学金、慈善捐赠、行业普法、无偿献血、捐赠学校和志愿服务社会等),每次1分。



(15) 信息公示指数得分,满分2分:企业提交的各类典型案例等信息为被采纳和被采纳,每项得1分。

(16) 发表的行业相关研究文章的指数得分,满分1分:上一年注册的注释者在“中国注册”中,在《会计师》、《中国财经报》、《中国会计报》等财经报刊杂志上发表行业相关研究文章得1分。

(17) 职业风险基金(购买职业责任保险)指数得分,满分2分:提取和使用职业风险基金 购买风险基金或职业责任保险2分;未累积职业风险基金和购买职业责任保险不计分。

(18) 申请书集中化数字化得分,满分2分:公司建立了集中化电子信函搭建认定平台,在全院统一办理认定手续,得1分;建立通信中心并配备专职人员得 1 分。

(19) 加分项,满分 5 分:上一年企业、党组织或注释者3分获得国家表彰;获得省部级表彰2分;获得全国行业党委或中注协表彰奖励1分(同一事件以最高分计)。

(20) 惩罚指标为直接扣除项,其中:


2.近两年对教师进行处罚处罚:该教师被吊销注册会计师证书、吊销会员资格。 ,每人扣3分;受到其他行政处罚和行业处罚的每人扣1分。







第九条 综合评价工作流程包括省中注协出具综合评价通知书、事务所备案、审核省中注协,计算排名结果、排名信息公示、排名信息正式发布等环节。

第十条 企业决定是否参与综合评价。自愿参加的事务所应填写《安徽省会计师事务所综合评价自评表》,并对所填信息的真实性和准确性负责,逾期不予受理。


第十二条 省协会应当按照本办法的规定计算并确认企业综合评价分数形成坚定的综合评价排名结果。公司综合评价排名信息将在省针灸学会网站公示5个工作日。公示期间如有异议,省针灸学会将对异议内容进行调查核实,并作出相应处理;公示期满无异议的,将正式对外发布综合评价排名信息。

第十三条 在省级注释协会发布的企业综合评价排名信息中,同时披露企业和注释者上一年度收到的行政处罚和行业处罚。




第十四条 本事务所综合评价及排名结果基于数据和信息来源,不代表省注释协会。

第十五条 本办法自发布之日起施行,省注释协会负责解释。自本办法发布之日起,省注册会计师协会发布的《安徽省会计师事务所综合评价暂行办法》(万铸协[2021]10号)同时废止。 .







一是落实国务院30号文的相关要求。 国务院30号文明确提出“进一步完善会计师事务所综合排名机制,将综合管理检查评价结果作为排名的重要依据,引导会计师事务所加强内部以表格为基准进行管理”。 2021年11月23日,财政部印发了《会计师事务所综合管理办法(征求意见稿)》。整合和实施的程度是影响企业高质量发展可持续性的重要因素。当前,我省行业进入高质量发展的新阶段,但内部治理效果差、综合管理水平低仍是当前行业存在的突出问题。为此,增加内部治理的重要评价指标,引导企业提升内部治理水平。

二是完善科学、系统、全面的指标体系。 The current indicator system consists of five indicators: business income (60% weight), number of practitioners (25% weight), tax contribution (15% weight), plus points (out of 30 points), and minus points . The main indicators use the median and weight coefficient to measure the score, the score is not capped, and the adjustment of the addition and subtraction points is very limited, resulting in the phenomenon that the score difference is too large and the score is abnormally high. With the general increase in business income of the whole industry and the in-depth implementation of tax and fee reduction policies, the problems of poor comprehensiveness of the index system and unscientific scoring methods have emerged. It is urgent to reshape the index system and adjust the scoring method. Improve the comprehensiveness of the evaluation by adding a large number of indicators, improve the scientificity of the evaluation by exploring the 100-point scoring method, and improve the systematicness of the evaluation by rationally allocating the index scores.

The third is to reduce the burden of reporting. Part of the indicator data comes from the industry management information system of the CICPA and the daily work of the Provincial CICPA, and does not need to be reported by the firm, including the scale of business income, the number of practitioners, and the age structure of partners (shareholders), etc. The burden of filling out the form and reporting the number of the firm should be strictly avoided.

II. Main contents of the revision of the Measures

(1) Improve the frame structure. According to the five aspects of general rules, evaluation conditions, evaluation indicators, evaluation process, and supplementary provisions, the overall structure of the "Measures" is optimized, and some expressions are adjusted to make it clearer and more rigorous.

(2)Reshape the indicator system. One is to build a multi-evaluation system. A new comprehensive evaluation system of "6+20" for accounting firms has been established, that is, 6 evaluation dimensions and 20 evaluation indicators. The six evaluation dimensions include business income, human resources, party-mass building, internal governance, bonus points, and punishment, and strive to evaluate the firm's comprehensive strength in a multi-dimensional, scientific, comprehensive and objective manner. Second is the optimization metric setting. In accordance with the principles of quantification, assessment and comparability, 7 new indicators have been added to guide the firm's high-quality development and upgrade of high-quality services. The newly added "positive business income growth" and "per capita business income of the practitioners" are designed to measure the development momentum and operational efficiency of the firm; the new "Party Construction Enrollment" is added to examine the leading role played by the party organization in the management of the firm; The age structure of partners (shareholders)", "integrated management", "withdrawal of occupational risk funds (purchase of occupational liability insurance)", and "centralized digitalization of application letter confirmation" focus on the internal governance and integrated management level of the firm. Combined with the actual development of the industry, improve the bonus points for indicators such as "promoting employment", "building a talent team" and "building party-mass organizations". Considering the in-depth implementation of the national tax and fee reduction policy and the strong correlation between taxation and business income, the “tax contribution” indicator is deleted. Third, clarify the connotation of indicators. The connotation and caliber of each index should be clearly defined, and the calculation method and scoring standard of the index should be clearly defined to ensure that the evaluation results are objective and fair.

(3) Adjust the evaluation method. First, the scoring standard adopts a percentage system. Change the status quo of uncapped scoring, set a basic score of 100 points, plus points of 5 points, and minus points to strengthen the continuity of the firm's total score, and improve the credibility and scientificity of the comprehensive evaluation. The second is to reasonably distribute the index scores. Set the index scores of business income, human resources, party-mass building, internal governance, and bonus items to 48 points, 19 points, 15 points, 18 points, and 5 points respectively; only the bonus points dimension is reserved The status of being commended and rewarded, and the rest of the situation has been transformed into main indicators and assigned to various dimensions, and assigned points reasonably; focusing on giving points for indicators such as "talent team building", "party-mass organization building", "party building incorporation", and "integrated management". Third, some indicators adopt the grading calculation method. According to the actual data in the past, a large number of calculations are carried out, and the gears and corresponding calculation methods of the three indicators such as "business income scale", "per capita business income of practitioners" and "number of practitioners" are reasonably set to ensure that the index scores show convergence sex.

(< strong>four) add a disclaimer. With reference to the comprehensive evaluation method of the CICPA and the World Bank's business environment ranking method, an exemption clause has been added to the comprehensive evaluation and ranking method.

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