
时间: 2022-05-04 16:36:27  20 诺敏 诺敏 张廷玉





《雍正皇帝(全3册)​​》是长篇历史小说《雍正皇帝》系列的第一卷。行知皇帝和宫廷机密一直为读者所关注。 《雍正皇帝(全3卷)》讲述了鲜为人知的清朝宫廷生活,但并不局限于小故宫。大哥较量,杀机隐隐,龙庭易手,雍正险胜。更改法令,杀父,继位?一段历史,疑点重重,扑朔迷离。作者用历史笔书写文字,用历史笔来建立历史。庙高,江湖远。上至法律法规、宫廷建筑、衣食住行、礼节音乐,故事铿锵有力,书气十足;下至勾兰瓦房、庙堂、城乡、古游渡口,缓缓展开,风情万种。大哥争鹿,明争暗斗,一言以蔽之。女演员和歌手,缠绵又缠绵的声音,每一句话都让人心动。剧情布局,天高地厚,人物造型,深浅相宜,情节巧妙;思想是经,艺术是纬,鸟瞰历史,探索人生,并不适合所有人。正如一位评论家读后所说:一部罕见的历史小说杰作。














二月河,本名凌解放,中国作家协会会员,汉族,1945年生于山西省昔阳县,高中毕业后应征入伍。他是一名士兵和副教官。 1978年调入南阳市委,现任河南省作协副主席。 40岁开始文学创作,潜心打造“帝王系列”。目前,已出版长篇历史小说13卷,总字数超过500万字。















































此时此刻,你可以尽情发挥你的所有愿望:刚刚称赞诺敏为“天下第一大臣”,你就给自己一巴掌!更何况,诺敏是年羹尧推荐的。很难说其中涉及到什么。或许就像内务部清库查账一样。还不清楚皇帝的头终于找到了……YT想当大皇帝。出于愤怒,但他毕竟在城里很深,又因为没有露出山水,所以歉意地笑了笑:“我哥觉得张恒辰说的非常真实,这确实是第一例。世间。无论诺敏怎么辩解,都逃不掉。” “升职尽责”有四个字。更令人担忧的是,年羹尧进入青海叛乱,粮食支付是重中之重。山西特大案若轻视,恐怕各省查赤字的差事就会松懈,未来的粮食支付难度会更大。所以,大事和急事,看似毫无关系,其实是一回事。”龙克多因为帮助雍正帝登基,早就与“八爷党”分道扬镳,但他更舍不得年羹尧为西方做贡献,以后才有资格和自己一较高下。听云T的话,整篇文章都充满了严半诺敏的意思,但他从来没有提个字,真是心机重,口才好。龙可多赞叹的看了一眼云T,云T的目光也扫了过去,那双眼睛一闪而逝。


雍正听了几位朝臣的议论后,似乎稍微冷静了一些。他转身喝了一口茶,然后坐回了座位上。方笑道:“你什么都没说,挡着我的面,我只是吩咐夸诺敏为‘第一大臣’,是最后一位!”他忽然收起笑容,眼中泛着铁灰色的暗光,“按照你的意见,要么拿诺敏‘疏忽大意’的轻罪,严惩下级欺骗宪法,功劳于升迁。 ,对违法犯罪的贪婪;或者法院假装被抹黑,等着打西打仗,不就是这样吗?”


“两者都不可取!”雍正冷笑一声,盯着巨大的玻璃窗,凶狠道:“我容不得任何人扫荡我的尊严!我想不到诺敏竟然敢,这样的鲁莽行为不是‘溺水’。 ,是骗王!杀人可以原谅,但不可理喻!年羹尧推荐他的时候,看到他还在江西的粮道上努力工作。圣祖曾经对我说,这个人只有他的外貌,不能重用。强烈推荐他,他是边疆大官,他这样做,他会背叛祖宗,身居中,耿耀在下,欺负祖宗,欺负君王,欺负老祖宗朋友——” 说完,他吸了口气,猛烈地咳嗽了一声,突然“嗯”了一声打在案子上,脸色已经涨得通红,沉着脸道:“这样的混蛋,怎么能轻视?如果你纵容他,其他省长就这样不理我,我该怎么处理?”

四大臣第一次看到雍正出手。他们没想到他会这么生气,脸色这么难看。让原料雍正必须保全自己的尊严,给年根耀一个人情,从轻处理诺敏,重新审视其余山西官员。但这一次,正好和他自己的看法不谋而合。如果他把它传播出去,皇帝采纳了他自己的意见。这会得罪多少人? ……他咽了咽口水,不知道该说什么。正想着怎么回答,龙可铎道:“主子说的真好!要不是总督、诸侯、省官,都被用来欺骗本王,田文景怎么会查到呢?再查无果。九级高位万岁,洞察千里秋意,隐隐约约看到。奴婢敬佩五体扔地!在这种情况下,奴婢以为今诏将县令以上官员全押入京,交刑部审问!”张廷玉皱眉。他蹙眉沉吟道:“怕是来不及了。有些官员只是威逼利诱。再说,晋北秋旱,还得靠他们来帮助灾民,人多容易造成外省官员恐慌,影响大局不好。”云T倒是希望越乱越好,因为他在旁边冷冷的说道:“现在是整顿官场的时候了,正合皇上‘雍正改元’的旨意,官治焕然一新'。利用贪官帮助受害者会有好结果吗?他低下头,挺直身子,对雍正道:“万岁,别管有没有官员可以补——过去杀贪官如割草,没有县城。天下缺官,大臣。弟弟觉得龙科玩的比较多。北京有1000多个候补和助理,可以填补山西的空缺。恩科皇帝即将到来,新二和“第三位学霸正好赶上他们的出差。我哥觉得,如果不是那么厉害,还不足以扫清山西的官治。”此刻,他们三人意见不一,你们各自说了实话。



“我已经就这件事做出了决定。”雍正微微一笑道:“山西佟省的官员或许不错,但诺敏是罪魁祸首。他是巡抚,是山西土地的皇帝,认为山高皇帝远在天边,做出如此无法无天的欺骗皇上之事。山西官员的过错在于,诺敏对先皇来说是个朴实直爽的人,而且他深有恩慈。在法庭上对他提起诉讼,我只能说'不合格'。我也讨厌他们不合格,但仔细想想,当今世界的官员中,除了李威、李富、许文元、卢龙,几位, “到底有多少?所以仇恨就是仇恨,不能严格处理。官员越大越做,州县不必为难他们。”< /p>





雍正小心翼翼地拨弄着碗盖上的茶叶,用不容置疑的语气说道:“六百里急忙下山西诏遣屠离臣:我,也该洗清了。肝,京白的志向是为朝廷服务。他的行为卑鄙狂妄,狂妄谄媚。他在自己的岗位上淹死了,又骗了国王,怪罪于庶民。 ,并且陷害了正臣。自从这件事发生以来,一直没有认罪过。内疚的意义,以他的固执和无耻,出乎我的意料!而且我赞扬它,我想把我放在一个我能做到的地方“不要害臊。我不知道如何处理这样的罪行!只是我想宽容,即使国家法律允许你是野兽,哪还有人权 - 怎么会上帝给你披上了人皮!?”他越说越兴奋,握着杯子的手紧紧捏着,她微微一颤,脸色变得无比苍白。张廷玉没有给官书和草诏加分,但这条诏书对他来说很难——白话前后的白话怎么打磨?他蘸了墨,见雍正虽然坐得笔直,但五官却是错位的。因为不敢说话,只记录了雍正的话。正想着,雍正提高了声音:“那时土力臣当场拿起印章,脱去黄袄,脱去头衔,去北京交通大理寺查探!我知道了!外省的混蛋风俗,官员被免职,怕他以后复职,送酒送礼,以后有什么,你跟这些混蛋说,你有什么,就行归还诺敏,诺敏就永远不会恢复了。今天,九族能不能保住,也是知不知道的事——谁敢做出这么丑陋的举动,我追究你的责任,山西亏本由你这个‘富官’来报答!”他一口气说完,喝了一口茶。盯着张婷玉。张廷玉听到的时候,依旧是文字和白色的混合,所以他还是要咬牙记录下来。云特闻言想笑,嘴角却是动了动,又缩了回去。

“万岁!”马奇在一旁道:“诺敏虽然犯了罪,但他是朝廷里的高官,能不能让他稍微体面一点,让其余的省长不觉得冷?” “学者可以被杀,但不能被羞辱,对吧?”雍正转头道:“马奇,你不明白,像诺敏这样的人,能称得上是‘学者’吗?只能算是一条狗!他的案子证人和材料都已经转移到北京了,是真的。我还是要重重地羞辱他——因为他先羞辱了我!主担心臣的屈辱,主也羞辱臣的死。这里是刚昌之地,天涯海角大地之意。诺敏​​不仅触犯了法律,而且还犯了罪,触犯法律,触犯法律可以原谅,触犯法律,他也逃不过我的处决! ”


“这件事别人可以原谅,但要怪山西省省长罗靖。”雍正缓缓道:“罗靖被免职,他和诺敏一起去北京调查,询问如何处罚,待部议决,其余降两级至原职,各罚二年。道士、衙门首长降一级,罚一年。诸侯衙门供不应求。哪里可以派官来收印?” 雍正笑道:“你怎么不问?自然是田文景接过印章,暂时搁置一旁管理山西都督衙门,待案子查清后再商议。”





张廷玉抓住雍正话中的空档,立即补了一句:“明珠、高士奇等国臣,皆与皇上一脉相承,顿时登高望远!”< /p>

"Didn't you turn out to be the Lord of the Book of the Middle Ages, and within three months, you also moved to your position and became a minister of Zaifu in the study room? There are also the famous minister Guo L, and the famous general Zhou Peigong. In the middle of nowhere, did you get the luminous pearl?" Yongzheng stared at Zhang Tingyu and said with a smile, but his tone became more and more severe: "When you talk like this, where do you put yourself?"

Zhang Tingyu was stunned by this remark. His own resume can indeed be regarded as "復進", but he still thought that what Yongzheng said was wrong, and hurriedly kowtowed: "The courtier 進jin is the wrong love of the late emperor. Long live fine. I think, there are dozens or hundreds of court officials going out to announce the decree every year. Once this case is opened, everyone can intervene in local military, civil affairs and even finance at will. How can outside officials do things? The traitor should have written a statement to the court, and the court sent an officer to clean it up. The officer actually used the imperial guard to guard against his own authority and acted beyond his authority! This act was originally sinful, and the previous decree of Long Live was not wrong - read his loyalty for the country, The suspicion is justified, the investigation is based on the evidence, the original sin can be proved its merit, it can suddenly rise to the throne, and the crowd is effective, how difficult it is to deal with the aftermath!”

That makes sense. Shengtian Wenjing, the officials who went out to Beijing in the future have learned it in a swarm. Yongzheng hesitated. Zhang Tingyu saw that Yongzheng was silent and knew that he appreciated Tian Wenjing and wanted to be promoted to his official position, so he calmly said: "Tian Wenjing is serious in his work, and he is dedicated to sharing the worries of the court, and removing a giant beetle for the court. Nowadays, there are very few people who are willing to do things like this. Long live wants him to be promoted faster, and he can be promoted step by step. Kuang Tian has only been a minister of the capital for many years, and has never experienced the practice of the state government. The government affairs of a province are suddenly under pressure Should he shoulder it?" Ma Qilong Keduo also kowtowed and asked "Long live Jiana Zhang Tingyu's words", but Yun Xue felt a disappointment, so he had to agree: "What Hengchen said is, please the emperor be careful."

"I'm tired." Yongzheng was busy arranging the eyes and ears of various places for several days, and critiquing the first batch of secret papers they sent in. In fact, he slept less than Zhang Tingyu. At this time, the audience persuaded himself, knowing that I thought about it on the left side, because I moved off the kang, stretched out my body with my hands, and said with a smile, "This is not a big deal, I think about it and talk about it! Prince Yi is talking to Nian Gengyao right now. Tomorrow, Nian Gengyao will return to the camp to lead the troops to fight. This is the main policy of the imperial court. It is a matter of dispatching troops and horses. It must be auspicious. The eighth tells the third brother to make an appointment with the fourteenth brother, and some of you will set up wine for you. He is strong and strong - tomorrow, I will send you to Luhe Station on behalf of Zhenjiao! The road is lacking!"

Ma Qi was in charge of the Ministry of Rites and said hurriedly: "Tomorrow's departure seems to be in a hurry; the minister thought that Qin Tian should choose an auspicious day, plan to publish the book and ceremonies, and send the ceremony out of Beijing." "The purpose of this visit is If you are sure to win, you can choose an auspicious day for those who behead their heads and shed their blood." Yongzheng lowered his head and thought for a while, "Tell Nian Gengyao that he will not be sent to the officials when he leaves Beijing, and he will not be presented with great etiquette. To win this battle, I will Welcome him to Beijing in person. If he wants to humiliate the national funeral teacher, he doesn't need to ask for guilt, and he doesn't need to think of a posthumous title. Just ask Yue Zhongqi to bring his head to Beijing!" Zhang Tingyu's exquisite and penetrating mind already saw that Yongzheng didn't want to make a big deal out of his teacher Qinghai. In order not to be embarrassed by future wars, Yin said: "Long live this idea is very good. The edict to send troops has already been issued, and Nian is just returning to Beijing to report on his work, listening to the Lord's instructions on the appropriateness, and sending hundreds of officials to the suburbs is not only a waste of money, but also inappropriate. It seems that it would be better not to say anything about humiliating the country and mourning the teacher later. At this moment, the main thing is to encourage him. I wonder what Long Live thinks?"

"Just follow your words, tell him to be good and do the wrong thing, don't have any worries." Yongzheng nodded with a smile, walked a few steps, turned around at the entrance of the hall, and said: "I have thought about it, Tian Wenjing fills the Chongqing prefectural governor, Simply fulfilling your decency, I will allow you!" After saying that, Fang slowly walked out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Li Dequan all the eunuchs in the Xing year waited under the east corridor of the main hall of Yangxin Hall. When he saw Yongzheng walking out, it was a cold day. Sheepskin jacket, hurriedly stepped forward to greet Qianer. Li Dequan said: "Master, it's so cold today, the wind is swooning, and the ice skating under the eaves is not dripping water. Why don't you add a big cloak to the master?"

"No." Yongzheng answered simply, took out his pocket watch and looked up at the sky covered with gray clouds and mist. He wanted to stretch, but his arms were already open and sagging. When I got down, I walked one end and said, "I want to take a few steps away, don't call Cheng Yu, and don't want so many people to follow, just the two of you."

Li Dequan hurriedly agreed and waved everyone back, Zi and Xing Nian followed behind Yongzheng, and Zhang Wuge, the guard at the door of Chuihua, saw him coming out, knocked a thousand times and said: " The master wants to walk around at will? The servants will follow!" Yongzheng said with a smile, "No need? What happened in the palace?"

"Master, that's not what you said." Brother Zhang got up and said: "Master has a decree in front of you. Inside, the Yulin army is good at fighting, and the Yulin army will be dispatched by Longkeduo. The guards will be controlled by Ma Qi and Zhang Tingyu. Three orders and five declarations, no matter where the master goes, Zhang Wuge, Soren, Delentai and Liu Tiecheng must be accompanied by one of the four guards. The servants are also ordered to act."

Yongzheng stared at Brother Zhang Wu without saying a word, and went north through the hanging flower gate.

It was noon time, and the eunuchs of each palace were busy serving their masters. There was no sound in Yong Lane, and a round and dull sun was hidden behind the dim thin clouds. The blurred shadow of the palace wall was wiped on the brick floor. Occasionally, a group of crows pecking at something underground. When the four of them came over, they flew up and hovered in the sky. A little pissed off. Yongzheng didn't turn his head, he walked steadily, for a long time, Fang casually looked at the sky and said:

"Brother Zhang Wu - oh, are you the bodyguard selected by Kangxi in the 46th year?"

"Long live back, the slave was Kangxi's forty-sixth year who took the blame for others. He opened a knife in the western food market and was rescued from the killing field..." Zhang Wuge thought of the old master Kangxi, and his voice could not help becoming hoarse Choked, "Forty-seven years from the Shanpu camp to make up for the Da Nei to be a guardian, long live the year to patrol the Jehol, and be promoted to the third-class shrimp..."

Yongzheng shook his body and said with a smile, "You are so beautiful!"


"Someone took you a book and said that you were in the prison and raised a singer in the prison?"

Brother Zhang Wu immediately blushed and said loudly, "I beg the master to point out that the man who smashed the black brick was the man who argued before the master together. The slave was in a lawsuit against him, and it was a woman who followed the slave. It is the slave who is now a woman. She used to be a prostitute. Her parents died of illness. She sold her body to bury her father. Jing, Dian Yinliang went to jail and followed me, saying that my Zhang family has accumulated virtues like this, so I shouldn't break it... and give me a baby!"

"Don't be in a hurry." Yongzheng suddenly stopped, turned his face and smiled, "Whoever complained, I can't tell you, this is a rule. I asked you Thirteen Master about this, and you both said the same. This The complainant is an uninterested person, or has some other thoughts, and wants to instigate me to demolish the city! I have already suppressed the book - I understand better when you say it. You want to be commended! How many ranks are you now?" After speaking, he paced forward again. Brother Zhang hurriedly replied: "The slave is the first-class guard, and the official rank is the third rank." Yongzheng smiled and looked back at Xing Nian, "You go back and pass the order to Long Keduo, Brother Zhang is also an old guard for more than ten years. , enter the second stage!"

Xing Nian hurriedly replied: "Yes!" Without waiting for the fifth brother to thank him, Yongzheng smiled again: "Your wife, Mrs. Jinfeng, is a husband and wife honored! How bad is it to say 'my woman'? Indecent training!" The fifth brother had a slap in the face, but since Yongzheng was still walking, it was inconvenient to thank him, so he only wept: "Master... your heart... sigh... what kind of repayment do you ask the slaves to give? Everyone said— -" He suddenly felt lost, and covered it up.

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