Exam Ref MS-100 Microsoft 365 Identity and Services电子书免费版

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专家团队为了满足大部分IT人士的需求,利用他们自己的经验和知识努力地研究过去的几年的 MS-100 认证考试题目,因此,最新的 Microsoft 365 Identity and Services 模拟测试题和答案就问世了。Microsoft 365 Identity and Services : MS-100电子版文件免费下载。

Exam Ref MS-100 Microsoft 365 Identity and Services电子书免费版

Exam Ref MS-100 Microsoft 365 Identity and Services电子版预览


Title Page

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Microsoft certifications

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Important: How to use this book to study for the exam

Chapter 1 Design and implement Microsoft 365 services

Skill 1.1: Manage domains

Skill 1.2: Plan a Microsoft 365 implementation

Skill 1.3: Setup Microsoft 365 tenancy and subscription

Skill 1.4: Manage Microsoft 365 subscription and tenant health

Skill 1.5: Plan migration of user and data

Thought experiment

Thought experiment answers

Chapter 2 Manage user identity and roles

Skill 2.1: Design identity strategy

Skill 2.2: Plan identity synchronization by using Azure AD Connect

Skill 2.3: Manage identity synchronization by using Azure AD Connect

Skill 2.4: Manage Azure AD identities

Skill 2.5: Manage user roles

Thought experiment

Thought experiment answers

Chapter 3 Manage access and authentication

Skill 3.1: Manage authentication

Skill 3.2: Implement Multi-Factor Authentication

Skill 3.3: Configure application access

Skill 3.4: Implement access for external users of Microsoft 365 workloads

Thought experiment

Thought experiment answers

Chapter summary

Chapter 4 Plan Office 365 workloads and applications

Skill 4.1: Plan for Office 365 workload deployment

Skill 4.2: Plan Office 365 applications deployment

Thought experiment

Thought experiment answers


Code Snippets


Prepare for Microsoft Exam MS-100�Cand help demonstrate your real-world mastery of skills and knowledge needed to effectively design, deploy, manage, and secure Microsoft 365 services. Designed for experienced IT professionals, Exam Ref focuses on critical thinking and decision-making acumen needed for success at the Microsoft Certified Expert level.

Focus on the expertise measured by these objectives:

Design and implement Microsoft 365 services

Manage user identity and roles

Manage access and authentication

Plan Office 365 workloads and applications

This Microsoft Exam Ref:

Organizes its coverage by exam objectives

Features strategic, what-if scenarios to challenge you

Assumes you have working knowledge of Microsoft 365 workloads, networking, server administration, and IT fundamentals; and have administered at least one Microsoft 365 workload

About the Exam

Exam MS-100 focuses on knowledge needed to manage domains; plan a Microsoft 365 implementation; set up and manage Microsoft 365 tenancy and subscriptions; plan user and data migration; design identity strategy; plan and manage identity synchronization with Azure AD Connect; manage Azure AD identities and user roles; manage authentication; implement MFA; configure application access; implement access for external users of Microsoft 365 workloads; and plan Office 365 workload and applications deployment.

About Microsoft Certification

Passing this exam and Exam MS-101 Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security (and earning one Microsoft 365 workload administrator certification or the MCSE Productivity certification) fulfills your requirements for the Microsoft 365 Certified Enterprise Administrator Expert certification credential. This demonstrates your ability to evaluate, plan, migrate, deploy, and manage Microsoft 365 services.

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