
时间: 2022-04-01 05:48:49  111 职业能力 国际酒店








本教材内容由“前厅服务英语”、“餐厅服务英语”、“客房服务英语”三大学习情景,内设二十项工作任务,以及供学习者参考的“Sample Dialogues(样例)”和“Appendices(附录)”构成。其中,每项工作任务包含了Learning Objectives(学习目标)、Hotel Situation(情境导入)、Working Procedures(工作程序)、Working Knowledge(工作知识)、Hotel Task(酒店任务)、Activity(语言活动)、Task Evaluation(任务评估)七项活动,学习目标明确,针对性强,强调学以致用,使学生在学习中体验工作责任和经验,在工作中学习知识与技能,促进其对酒店职业英语知识的建构。本书融“教、学、做”为一体,教学模式新颖,内容丰富,既适用于酒店服务与管理专业的教学,也适用于酒店行业、企业员工职业英语培训。








English for Front Desk Service前厅服务英语

1-1Room Reservations预订房间● Learning Objectives 学习目标After finishing this task, you will be able to:· ask guests' information about booking rooms· offer help to guests● Hotel Situation 情境导入Name: KellyJob: ReservationistResponsibility: To help guests book rooms they want.● Working Procedures 工作程序Before booking rooms forthe guests, please read the procedures carefully.

1 Greet the guests

2 Ask the guests the reservation information

3 Search for the room available by the computer

4 Get the detail information from the guests

5 Confirm the reservation

6 Express your wishes

7 Form the reservation record● Working Knowledge 工作知识1. When making reservations, you should ask the guest the following information:• The date of arrival and departure

客人到达和离开酒店的时间• The number of people

住店的人数• The room type and the number of rooms

客人所要的房型和房间数• Special requests

特别的要求2. You should also confirm the followings from the guest:• The name of the guest or name of the group

入住客人的姓名或团队名称• The guest' s telephone number

入住客人的电话号码• The contact name and his telephone number

联系人的姓名及电话号码3. Polite language is commonly used in the hotel situation below.4. The form below are room types and their corresponding Chinese names.● Hotel Task 酒店任务Suppose you are Kelly, now you' re going to book rooms for the guest. Please perform the taskaccording to the hints belowwithyourpartner.角色A 你是George Brown,准备和妻子到广州旅游,你打电话给酒店预订一间双人间,时间为3月6日至9日,你告诉预订员你们将在早上9点到达。角色B 你是预订员Kelly,你正在受理电话预订业务。Words to Know

reserve vt. 预订 reservation n. 预订

confirm vt. 确认 available adj. 可提供的

spell vt. 拼写 prefer vt. 更喜欢

room rate 房价 arrival date 到达日期

departure date 离开日期 look forward to 期待Useful Expressions1. Helping the guest book rooms帮助客人预订房间

(1)Room Reservations. How may/May I help you?

(2) I' ll check our room availability.

(3) I' d like to confirm your reservation.

(4) We look forward to serving you.2. Asking information about booking rooms询问客人预订的信息

(1)For which date?

(2)How many guests will there be in your party?

(3)What kind of room would you like/prefer?

(4)How many nights are you going to stay?

(5)May I have your name and phone number, please?3. Explaining room rate解释房价

(1)We have a twin room at$180 per night. Will that be all right?

(2)A single room is $80 per night, with a 10% service charge.● Activity 语言活动

Look at the pictures below and write down the names of room types.


Picture 1__________

Picture 2__________

Picture 3__________

Picture 4__________

Suppose you are a clerk at the Room Reservation. You' re now receiving a reservation. Practice asking the reservation information according to the words in the board below.

假设你是前台预订部的服务员,你正接受客人的预订,根据下面的提示词练习询问客人有关预订的信息。Hotel Tips世界著名酒店集团概览 Hotel Group Introduction1.洲际国际酒店集团(Intercontinental Hotels Group)2.希尔顿酒店集团公司(Hilton Hotels Corporation)3.万豪国际酒店集团公司(Marriott International, Inc. Hotels)4.凯悦国际酒店集团(Hyatt Hotels & Resorts)5.最佳西方酒店管理集团(Best Western International)6.圣达特国际集团(Cendant Corporation)7.凯宾斯基国际酒店集团(Kempinski Hotels & Resorts)8.喜达屋国际酒店集团(Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide)9.雅高集团(ACCOR)10.香格里拉酒店集团(SHANGRI-LA Hotels and Resorts)● Task Evaluation 任务评估Learning log 学习日志

What I have learned from the task:


The best part I have learned from the task:


The improvement I need to make after learning the task:

完成本次任务后,我需要改进的地方:__________1-2Checking In为客人办理入住登记● Learning Objectives 学习目标After finishing this task, you will be able to:· welcome and register guests· reply to requests for rooms● Hotel Situation 情境导入Name: JoanJob: ReceptionistResponsibility: To help guests check in and make a comfortable stay for guests.● Working Procedures 工作程序Before helping the guests checkin, please read the procedures carefully.

1 Smile warmly and welcome the guests

2 Verify the guests' first and last names

3 Confirm the reservation information

4 Circle the rate

5 Ask the guests to sign their initials next to the room rate

6 Ask the guests to sign their registration card● Working Knowledge 工作知识1. For the guest with a reservation, the receptionist should confirm with him/her the reservation details:• Room type

房间类型• Room rate

房间价格• Length of stay


For the walk-in guest, the receptionist should ask the following questions:• How many nights

要住几个晚上• How many people in the party

一共有多少位客人• What kind of room

需要什么类型的房间2. The main duties of the receptionist:3. The following is the sample of registration form, please remember the items in the form and help the guests fill out the form.REGISTRATION FORMSurname姓__________Name名__________Sex性别__________Nationality国籍__________D. O. B出生日期__________Type of Identification证件类别__________No.号码__________Date of Issue签证日期__________Valid Until有效期__________Permanent Address 永久地址__________Occupation职业__________Tel.电话__________Method of Payment付款方式 (please check one:) □ Cash □Credit card □ CheckDate of Arrival抵达日期__________Date of Departure离店日期__________Room No.房号__________Guest' s Signature客人签名__________Front Desk Staff员工签名__________● Hotel Task 酒店任务Suppose you are Joan, now you' re going to help the guest check in. Please perform the taskaccording to the hints belowwithyourpartner.角色A 你是George Brown,你到酒店前台办理登记入住手续,你已打电话给酒店预订房间。角色B 你是前台接待员Joan,你告诉Brown夫妇他们的房间在16层,房号是1608、你还告诉他们服务员会带领他们到房间。Words to Know

record n. 记录 payment n. 支付、付款

passport n. 护照 credit card 信用卡

sign vt. 签名 registration form 入住登记表

fill in (out) 填写 show sb. to 带领某人去……Useful Expressions1. Helping the guest check in帮助客人登记入住

(1) Do you have a reservation with us, sir?

(2) Just a moment, please. I' ll check our reservation record.

(3) Could you fill out the registration form, please?

(4) Could you sign here, please?

(5) Here' s your key. It' s room 401, on the fourth floor.

(6) A bellman will show you to your room.2. Asking information of the guest询问客人信息

(1)May I have your nationality, please?

(2)Could you spell your name, please?

(3)May I see your passport, please?3. Expressing wishes to the guest表达祝愿

(1) I hope/Hope you will enjoy your room/stay here.

(2) Have an enjoyable stay!

(3) Please enjoy your stay here.● Activity 语言活动

Match the pictures with the following vocabulary. Then explain what' s happening in each picture.

用给出的词汇与图片匹配,然后解释每幅图片所发生的事情。vacation front registrationhotel bellboy desk check-inroom sign reservation

Number the parts of the conversation below in order from 1 to 8.

把下面的对话按正确的顺序重新排列。1. “Do you have a reservation? ”2. “I' d like to check in.”3. “Yes, I do. The name is Marie.”4. “Thank you. I will.”5. “Welcome to City Garden Hotel. How may I help you? ”6. “How do you spell that? ”7. “You' re all set, Mrs. Marie. Here is your key card. Enjoy your stay! ”8. “M- a- r- i- e.”Hotel TipsFamous Hotel Brand Logos世界著名酒店品牌凯悦酒店



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