
时间: 2022-03-27 23:42:47  12 西湖 杭州 钱塘江






版权信息书名:微观杭州(汉英版)(微观中国)作者:王建华译者:梅皓排版:KingStar出版社:商务印书馆出版时间:2016-08-01ISBN:9787100124539本书由商务印书馆有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —序世界上最华贵的天城







——杭州大气。“天下西湖三十六,就中最美是杭州”,在外地众多名胜纷纷涨价的时候,西湖沿岸的各类一线景观多年前就免费向游客开放,被誉为“回眸西湖最大气”。钱江新城建设,让杭州的发展由小家碧玉式的西湖时代走向磅礴的钱塘江时代,滨江区、大江东,阿里、网易、三星、西门子、ABB 等高新科技新兴产业气吞如虎。杭州大剧院60元的惠民票,让普通民众轻松地欣赏着话剧、舞剧、演奏会这些高雅艺术。钱江新城里,设备高端的杭州图书馆竟允许流浪汉入馆读书,旅游景点的流动书柜,给每一位休憩的游客以惊喜。如此尊重个人权利,温暖温馨,让人直呼了不起。

——杭州开放。“K155”路公交因编码酷似“KISS”,激发无数人的浪漫遐想,保住了这条本要调整的线路,并赢得“杭州最浪漫公交车”称号。原为大妈专属的广场舞,居然有打扮挺潮的小伙子加入,步伐轻快,律动和谐,跳出了时尚。每年的毅行活动,新老杭州人和国际友人用脚步和毅力丈量美丽的杭州。浙江大学,一所承载着国人“世界一流大学梦”的高等学府,正在渐渐走向理想的目标。设计师王澍,2012年国际建筑界普利茨克奖得主,用一砖一瓦实践着他的设计理念和个性。“i-hangzhou”信号覆盖全城,杭州成为全国首个免费开放WiFi 的城市。“西湖发布”矩阵服务全面,大到政务、金融、医疗、教育等,小到商场智能停车、公交站牌实时路况,智慧城市充满生机。创新创业已成为杭州的新风尚,未来科技城、城西科创走廊交相呼应,“阿里系”企业位列全球行业前5强。以支付宝为代表的互联网财富管理、金融创新独步全国,独领风骚……


三十多年来,我们一直生活在这个城市,参与和见证了杭州的发展变化,对她有太深的感情,太多的感悟。穿行在这精致和谐、大气开放的城市之中,我们视接千载,神通万里。该以什么方式表达我们对杭州的热爱与赞美?《微观中国》系列丛书及时提供了范本和机遇。这本《微观杭州》以420余条微博、190多幅照片,从不同侧面,讲述杭州的历史文化、经济发展、社会生活、科技创新、生态环境、旅游休闲、时尚精神。虽是碎片式呈现,但每一条微博都力求言之有物,独立呈现一个事实,传递一种情感,见人、见事、见情,描绘出细腻、真实、变化中的杭州,展示杭州人的日常生活,发掘他们的内心世界、人文情怀。希望这些汉英双语、图文并茂的微博表达,能比其他的表达形式更有吸引力和表现力,为中外读者所接受和喜爱。“你若盛开,清风自来。”《微观杭州》乘春风而来,于仲夏绽放。让我们在G20 杭州峰会到来之际,开启“天城”之门,迎接八方来客,汇聚世界目光!王建华2016年4月Preface

The Most Luxurious City in the World

In September of 2016, Hangzhou will become a major site for foreign relations, as it hosts the G20 summit. The city of Hangzhou, so significant in history, is now welcoming a new opportunity. How should it display itself to friends from around the world? This is a pressing and serious affair for the city of Hangzhou.

When describing Hangzhou, everyone knows the saying:“Up there is heaven, and down here are Hangzhou and Suzhou”, as well as Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi’s description of Hangzhou as the most memorable city in the Jiangnan area (the area south of the Yangtze River), and Su Dongpo’s description of the West Lake in the rain. Hangzhou is the former capital of the Southern Song Dynasty, a cultural capital, the birthplace of the Liangzhu and Wuyue cultures, and a famously warm and prosperous spot. Hangzhou is the seat of Zhejiang Province, a modern city that is beautiful, fashionable, trendy, and inclusive. Hangzhou is a synonym for the Jiangnan area, and has long been seen as the “most liveable city”. Hangzhou is an international city that was once praised by Marco Polo as “the most luxurious city in the world” centuries ago.

After three decades of opening up and reform, Hangzhou has evolved even further. The city has received a number of honours: a national-level forest city, a national-level city of environmental protection, an international garden city, a UN habitat scroll of honour... the West Lake and Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal have both been listed as UNESCO world heritage sites. In the future plans of the Chinese government, Hangzhou’s position is to be one of a famous cultural centre, a city of innovation, a famous oriental metropolis, an example of a beautiful Chinese city, an international travel destination, a haven for innovation and entrepreneurship, and a first-rate international city. It’s rare to see a city that can incorporate so many different aspects.

Understanding all aspects of Hangzhou is not easy, and introducing the city to people from both a foreign and Chinese perspective at the same time is even more difficult. It’s important to approach from different angles and simultaneously employ different expository techniques. Speaking broadly, “the most luxurious city in the world” is a good characterisation. We could describe it from four main aspects: refined, harmonious, generous and open-minded.

The refinement of Hangzhou: all know about the beauty of the West Lake, beautiful against the clear sky and even more so when it rains. In recent years, the West Lake has been extended towards the west, and Yang Gong Causeway complements the Su Causeway now. The West Creek Wetlands area has been developed, showing their beautiful natural state to all. From the rivers to the traditional houses that sit upon their banks, people live comfortably along the waterways. Tea houses are located upon Santai Mountain sitting both to peaks and water, elegant and quiet, these structures with upturned eaves and pretty pavillions. One can eat a lotus cake with rice in it that’s been flavoured with osmanthus, and savour the soft texture and fragrant complexities of the flavour. The girls of Hangzhou are beautiful and refined. The maple forest near the Xiling Bridge brings views of red leaves against purple mists in autumn. At the Prince Harbour Park, sunlight through the moist air shines over visitors’ shoulders with fragrance all around. A poem, a bridge, a tower, a bolt of silk, a tea leaf – these are all exquisite, beautiful objects that show off the high quality of Chinese cities at modern times.

The harmony of Hangzhou: Hangzhou is said to be clouds and mountains on three sides, and the city the rest. Mountains, waterways, the city and the people all go well together. The West Lake, that takes running water from the Qiantang River is clear and surrounded by mountains which one can view from near or afar. With the water of the lake nourishing them, they are beautiful beyond compare. A train station built on an intercontinental scale, a city enjoys underground rails and high-speed rails, and a green-car rail line is preserved among them for workers and residents to commute. Income disparity here is the lowest in the country, which speaks to the harmonious development of city and countryside at the same time. The Running Tiger Temple is where the monk Hong Yi cast off worldly desires, and is an excellent site to visit for its austere scenery, just as there is the Jesus Alley of John Leighton Stuart, who was born and buried here. A number of century-old stores continue handcraft traditions that are on the verge of extinction, their crafts passed down through the ages. A creative base in the West Creek Industrial Park provides opportunities for entrepreneurship, and gives hope to youths who wish to participate. You can see free bicycle rental points throughout the city, which is a new addition. Cars yield to pedestrians at crosswalks by habit now, which is another nice addition to an already cultured and harmonious city.

The generosity of Hangzhou: “There are many lakes like the West Lake, But the West Lake in Hangzhou is the best”. Visitors from other places flow in to line the banks of the West Lake as it has been open to tourists for free for a number of years, which makes people call Hangzhou the most generous city. New construction along the Qiantang River has transformed quaint old buildings into modern constructions along the banks, with the Binjiang District and Dajiangdong District being home to operations of enterprises such as Alibaba, Netease, Samsung, Siemens, ABB and others as they push along high-tech progress. The Hangzhou Grand Theatre offers 60-Yuan discount tickets that allow the normal residents of the city to freely enjoy plays, operas, performances and other high art. At the Qianjiang New City, the modern Hangzhou Library admits homeless people to read books, and there are travelling bookcases at tourist spots that give everyone a surprise when taking a rest. It’s an amazing city that appreciates human rights and is full of warmth and welcome.

The openness of Hangzhou: the K155 city bus line, with its route number resembling the English word “KISS”, has sparked the imaginations of many people, causing the bus line to be officially dubbed “Hangzhou’s most romantic bus”. When the middle-aged women dance in the squares, the younger generation joins in too, bringing rhythm, style to the scene. A great march happens every year in which visitors from around the world join the people of Hangzhou, young and old, to walk the entire city. Zhejiang University is approaching its goal to become a world-class university. Architect Wang Shu won the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2012, and designed every aspect of the new campus. Under the i-hangzhou scheme, WiFi covers the entire city, making it the first scheme to offer citywide WiFi coverage to a major city nationwide.“West Lake Announcement”deliver all kinds of useful information to everyone on topics such as government, finance, medicine, and education, from car parks at shopping centres and public transport information, which makes Hangzhou a lively smart city.

Innovation and entrepreneurship have already become a new trend in Hangzhou, with the future technology centre and west-of-city technological innovation corridor complimenting each other, and the Alibaba group’s operations becoming one of the 5 strongest in the industry worldwide. Internet wealth management and finance innovation companies representing by Alipay outpace any other area in the country.

This is the new Hangzhou, being refined, harmonious, generous and open-minded. This sums up how this city nurtures and grows its constituents, its fame and influence reaching far and wide, like the strong current of the Qiantang River.

Over the past three decades we have all lived in this city and have participated in and witnessed its development and changes. We have deep feelings for her, a strong emotional bond. When we wander through this refined, harmonious, generous and open-minded city, its history and scenery unfolds before us like a panorama. How should we convey our love and admiration for this city? The Microblog China series has given us an excellent opportunity. This book has more than 420 stories and 190 pictures. Looking at the city from different angles, exploring history, culture, economic development, society, life, technology, innovation, the environment, travel, leisure, and fashion, we assemble a picture from these fragments that as a whole gives us a good feeling of and for the city. We see people, things and emotions that give us a precise, true and changing picture of Hangzhou. We showcase the everyday lives of the people of Hangzhou, showing their inner-heart worlds, their humanity and feelings. We hope this bilingual English-Chinese volume full of pictures will have a special attraction to audiences, convey our ideas well, and be accepted and loved by both Chinese and foreign readers.

“If you build it, they will come.”This book arrives on the spring wind and blooms in the summer. We hope as we await the G20 summit that the door of our heavenly city will open up and welcome guests from all over the world!Wang JianhuaApril 2016都市·乐活  City and Leisure摄影:徐骋今日西湖

The West Lake Today


In 2001, the Hangzhou city government carried out construction works on the lakeside and West Lake Scenic Area, extending the lake further west for an expansion of 6.5 square kilometres. Water supply work was performed and the lake was connected to the Qiantang River. It now pulls in 300,000 cubic metres of water from the river each day, and now the lake water supports a living ecosystem. The most apparent effect of the expansion work on everyday people’s lives is that the lake is bigger, and taking a walk around the entire circumference of the lake, its pedestrian bridges would be a rather extended affair. The reconstructed Yang Gong Causeway affords quite a nice view.摄影:李选西溪湿地

The West Creek Wetlands


Hangzhou is expanding continuously. From a population of 1 million in the early 1980’s to seven times that, millions of people have come to Hangzhou from other places. The surrounding fields and vegetable patches have been replaced by high-rise buildings, with only the West Creek Wetlands being left untouched. There are a number of villages in the area, the residents of which are involved in raising mulberry trees and silkworms, fish and crabs, and growing persimmons. The government has kept the area in its original state, and also opened it up to tourism. Just as the Gaozong Emperor of the Song Dynasty said in the 12th century, “the West Creek area shall remain as it is”.摄影:郑若琪娟娟饭馆

Juanjuan Restaurant


The Juanjuan Restaurant is owned by a hard-working couple from Jiangshan. It has been open for a number of years and has a great reputation. It’s also known for being the “King of Spiral Shells” in Hangzhou. The owners believe that they can’t skimp on ingredients, so they select all of them themselves, performing quality control. Even the vegetables are imported from their hometown in Jiangshan. The restaurant is a popular destination for midnight snacking.办张公园年卡

A Yearly Park Pass


Hangzhou has a number of free tourist attractions, but there are some at which a ticket must be purchased. For a Hangzhou resident, spending 40 RMB for a yearly park pass is a good choice. With the card, one can enjoy free access to 13 different scenic areas. If you are interested in Buddhism, you can also spend 40 RMB to buy a Temple Pass. What’s interesting is that Shanghai residents can also obtain these two passes. People have previously remarked that “Hangzhou is Shanghai’s back garden”. You can hear people speaking Shanghainese at these attractions frequently.爱情之都

The City of Love


Cities like Hong Kong and Paris have titles like “The City of Dynamism” and “The City of Romance”. Hangzhou seeks to be “The City of Love”, and overflow with romance and passion. In fact, when Lady Bai and Xu Xian famously met at the Broken Bridge, when Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai met at the Wansong Academy, when Su Xiaoxiao and Ruan Yu met at the Xiling Bridge, when Yu Dafu and Wang Yingxia, Shi Liangcai and Shen Qiushui, Xu Zhimo and Lu Xiaoman all met, these were the beginnings of Hangzhou love stories.摄影:陈心远西湖龙井

Longjing Tea


The Longjing Tea of Hangzhou’s West Lake is one of China’s ten most famous teas, and has the nickname “The Empress of Green Teas”. The leaves are known for four qualities: being green, fragrant, sweet in taste, and beautiful in shape. Sitting by a window on an overcast day, making a cup of Longjing Tea, with a book in hand to enjoy with the tea against the background noise of light rain outside is one of the great pleasures in life. If you have the opportunity to come to Hangzhou, you must visit a tea house by the West Lake and try some Longjing Tea while enjoying a view of the lake – a slice of the poet’s life.主编供稿让洞于民

Into the Caves


Every year in summer, Hangzhou puts on an activity called “Into the caves to avoid the heat”. The city opens up a number of underground air raid shelters which are normally closed. It’s already been going on for 13 years. Within the shelters there are tables, chairs, TV, and tea. Most of the people that come are elderly, children, or workers from other regions of China. There are security guards to maintain order. Apparently, these activities save 800,000 KWh of electricity that would otherwise be spent on AC each year.问路

Asking for Direction


On my way to Wulinmen to meet classmates, I checked the map and saw that I’d taken the wrong route. I didn’t feel like rechecking, so I asked a pretty girl. She said I could look it up on my phone, but didn’t wait for me to do so. She took her phone, found the place for me and then took me there, pointing me down a road in front and saying that it was right up there. She looked at me worriedly, afraid I hadn’t understood. This wasn’t my first time receiving this kind of treatment. If you ask an elderly person with free time, you’ll almost always be escorted part of the way. Hangzhou is a nice place and the people are nice, too!小吃街夫妻档

Husband-and-Wife Snack Street


Behind the dormitory there is a snack street, upon which there are all kinds of snack shops and restaurants, large and small. Every time you come, you will see husband-and-wife operations, a couple from Henan that makes fried egg-filled savoury pancakes. They say that theirs are the best, and the recipe is secret. On the second floor of a building there is another husband-and-wife affair, “Fat Bro’s Noodle Shop”. It’s always packed. A fat husband and skinny wife run a fruit stand which is extremely popular. Happiness is being to lead a simple life with the one you love.开茶节

The Tea Festival“茶为国饮,杭为茶都”,作为西湖龙井的故乡,悠久的茶文化历史积淀和浓厚的茶饮习俗氛围使杭州获得了“中国茶都”的美誉。茶文化和茶习俗早已融入了杭州人的血液中,每年一度的西湖龙井开茶节也已经成为所有爱茶人的盛大节日。你爱茶、懂茶吗?如果你也好这一口儿,一定不要错过这个美丽的节日!

“Tea is the national drink, and Hangzhou is the capital of tea”. As the home of West Lake Longjing Tea, a long history of tea culture and a strong preference for the drink among the local population have given Hangzhou the name “China’s Tea Capital”. Tea culture and tea-drinking customs are in the blood of people from Hangzhou, and every year there is a large “tea festival” for the start of the West Lake tea harvesting season. Do you like and understand tea? If this kind of thing is your jam, make sure to not miss out on this beautiful holiday!翻丝棉大妈

The Women Who Process Silk Floss


Each year as soon as the National Holiday in early October ends, women who process silk floss from Tongxiang (Tongcheng County in Anhui Province) flock to Hangzhou like migrant birds, and set up small stands on the available ground in various complexes, put on their glasses and prepare to work. They post no ads, but their customers know where to find them. They show up, cocoons in hand, to have them processed. “Old lady, how much is the price this year?” “It’s still 15 Yuan!” These are very honest women – the price hasn’t risen in ten years!红树醉西泠

Red Leaves at Xiling Bridge


At the Xiling Bridge there is a forest of maple trees, and when autumn turns the leaves red and frost accumulates on the leaves, they are a sign to see. I take a walk at Xiling as the autumn wind blows. Warm sunlight drives away the cold in the air, and the scene is bathed in bright orange-red. The lotuses wilt, leaves fall down – the whole experience feels very poetic. One may pick maple leaves and play with them in hand, or press them into bookmarks, taking a piece of the scene home to keep.



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